Chapter 9: The True Death of Daisy

Start from the beginning

"Hold up, guys! We got an army coming towards us!" E Gadd told them. "Of ghosts? She created an army?!" Luigi asked, scared.

King Boo hugged Luigi. "We'll be okay, Green Flower. We'll survive." Luigi hugged him back, feeling safe.

"Ready to go?" Polterpup asked after a few moments. "Let's get this over with..." Luigi said. "Let's-a go!" Mario hopped.


They were walking in the forest, keeping an eye out for some ghosts. One of them jumpscared Luigi. King Boo stunned them and started to suck them into his 5000. "Thank you, King Boo."

Peace didn't last long again. 4 more ghosts came out, ready to kill. Polterpup and Luigi stunned two of them with the G-00 and KILL, sucking them in. Gooigi and Mario stunned the other two, sucking them up with Goo version of G-00 and KILL 2.0.

"I feel like this is only the beginning," Luigi told them. "I agree," E Gadd told Luigi. "There's more coming!"

They kept on fighting the ghost army. But one of them was managed to grab Luigi. "KING BOO! MARIO! GUYS! HELP!!" Luigi screamed. "Cover your eyes!" Mario flashed the ghost, making them to drop Luigi. King Boo caught him. "You're safe now, Luigi."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that!" Daisy stole King Boo's crown while they were fighting the ghosts. She trapped all of them, except Luigi. She grabbed him and they disappeared...


They reappeared in Daisy's abandoned castle, in her room. Luigi was left alone in there, not knowing where Daisy was. "King Boo! Can you hear me?!" He wait for a response...


"I'm here, Green Flower! I'm here! Are you okay?!" King Boo contacted him. "I'm in Daisy's room! I'm scared! I don't wanna die!" "It'll be okay, Green Flower, it'll only last a moment, then you'll join me!"

Luigi knew that wasn't King Boo. "N-no..." Tears were shedding. He knew Daisy was messing with his head, messing with everything.

"After what you've done, after you killed me, you still act so innocent, like you're fooling others!" Daisy's room turned to the scene where Luigi killed Daisy. "Don't forget what you've done! You created a monster! I could've been yours! I could've been your savior! I could've protect you!" Daisy showed Luigi the scene of what would happen if Luigi and her got together.

Them, having children, living a peaceful life, with no one ruining it. "But no! You have to choose HIM!!" She showed him King Boo.

"King Boo!!" Luigi tried to run up to him, but couldn't. He was forced to watch Daisy killing him. He was crying big time, feeling his heart breaking over and over.

"You have no choice! You lost your chance to live happy! Now you'll DIE!!"

Luigi was feeling so much pain. He didn't know how much he could take anymore. "Stop... P-please..." He said quietly. But then he felt something else. He felt King Boo's feelings, the real King Boo.

Luigi was starting to feel calm. He took breathes. He closed his eyes, seeing King Boo. They both hugged. "Daisy's trying to get to you," King Boo told him. "I know. I'm so scared. I don't know if I can do this again..." King Boo lifted Luigi's chin up. "I believe in you, Luigi. I know you can do it."

King Boo gave Luigi the KILL 2.0. "Here, take this. It'll help you." Luigi swapped the G-00 with the KILL 2.0.

He gave King Boo the G-00. "Thank you, King Boo." "You're welcome, my little Green Flower." They both kissed. It lasted for a bit.

They soon broke the kiss. "Good luck, Luigi." "Thank you. I love you!" "I love you too, Green Flower."


Luigi opened his eyes. He was ready to kill Daisy in the final battle, to finish this war. He looked around, seeing that he was in Daisy's room. Daisy was waiting for him on her bed.

"Well? Ready to say goodbye to your life?" She asked him. "I'm ready..." She grabbed her knife, about to kill Luigi. "Good."

"Ready to finish YOU!!" He flashed her with the flashlight. She was stunned. Luigi started to suck her up. She tried to get away, but couldn't fight back. Soon, Luigi finish the job, killing her one last time. He was finally free from the past that haunted him.


Meanwhile, the trap that Daisy made disappeared. "Luigi... He saved us! She's gone!!" Polterpup was happy. "My little brother is our hero!" Mario was proud of him.

Luigi ran up to the gang, with King Boo's crown. "KING BOO! GUYS!!" He called out to them. "Luigi!" They all said at the same time.

King Boo and Luigi hugged each other, shedding tears. The others joined in, making a group hug. Luigi gave King Boo his crown back. "Thank you, Luigi." He placed it on top of his head.

"Luigi!" Polterpup tackled him, licking him like a dog. "Polterpup!" He petted his hair. "Good job, Sonny! Now there's official peace between the Undead and Humanity," E Gadd told him. "That's my bro!" Mario hugged him. He hugged him back. "Thanks, Mario."

"C'mon, everyone. Let's go home." "Coming!" King Boo and Luigi hold hands on the way home.


Luigi was very exhausted from the fight. He went straight to bed with King Boo. "Thank you for helping me, King Boo." "You're welcome, Luigi." They both hugged and kissed. Luigi soon started to fall asleep in King Boo's boo arms. "Good night, King Boo." "Good night, Green Flower."

Meanwhile, Mario, Gooigi, Polterpup, and E Gadd were having a chat outside on the front porch.

"So, Luigi and King Boo are deeply in love together," E Gadd mentioned. "Yeah. I'm really happy for my little brother." "I'm happy for the both of them!" Of course Polterpup would. "Yup, pretty much."

"I'm gonna be honest. At first, I thought this would be a bad thing, since King Boo have captured Mario twice, and then Helen captured most of us," E Gadd started. The trio agreed. He continued, "But after the Helen fight, and this fight, I know realized something. This is a beginning of a brand new future for both kinds. I just never thought that Luigi and King Boo would be the first to start it all."

"Oh yeah, that's really unexpected. But at the same time, not really from what I've heard," Mario told them. "What did you heard, Mario?" Gooigi asked him.

"While I was in the painting for the first time, King Boo said something about getting Luigi's attention. But for the second time, it wasn't just for revenge. King Boo mentioned something about having feelings for him," Mario explained.

"Wow, never knew King Boo would've been crushing on Luigi since the beginning," E Gadd said. "Yeah, but that's all in the past now. We can all move on to the future," Polterpup told them.

"We'll discuss more about the future tomorrow morning. For now, we should hit the hay," Mario said. "Alright. We'll come by in the morning. Good night you two. Come on, Gooigi," E Gadd told them as he got up. "Good night," Gooigi said, following E Gadd.

Mario and Polterpup went inside the mansion, going up to their rooms. "Good night, Polterpup." "Good night, Mario."

They both went into their rooms, going to sleep peacefully. This surely was the beginning of a new future for all of them...

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