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Meliodas's P.O.V

It's the day of the ceremony and I'm stood in front of the altar with my father and Zeldris, Adam is with Y/N has she gets herself ready for the day. Today, is the first day in a long time that I'm nervous, I feel my stomach turn but I dont show it. The Goddess sighting rumours have now gotten out of hands that Zeldris and myself will take matters into our own hands.

Zeldris puts his hand on my shoulder, "Ready Brother?" He asks.

I look at him, "Let's do this," I say and relax and my emerald green eyes show without my crest. The music starts and I look behind me as Y/N walks out beside Adam, dressed in her beautiful gown fitted for a princess.

The dress was black lace, features surrounding the skirt and brought out her features more than anything else she has ever worn.

The dress was black lace, features surrounding the skirt and brought out her features more than anything else she has ever worn

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Y/N looks up and looks at me, her E/C burn into my emerald green. She smiles at me gently, I hold my hand out to her and she slides her into my hand as she walks up the few steps to stair by my side then Adam sits behind her protectively.

My father steps forward to conduct the ceremony, "We are gathered her in this unholy place to unite these two damned souls in an eternity bond," Father looks at me, "Repeat after me, I take this cup as a symbol of our bond," He says.

I take the cup, placing it on the stand between Y/N and myself, "I take this cup as a symbol of our bond," I repeat.

"I offer you my blood to show you that I'll always be with you," Father says handing me a knife.

I take the knife and cut my wrist letting my blood drip down into the cup filling it half way before my wound heals.

"Y/N, repeat after me. I offer you my blood to show you that I'll always be with you," Father says and Y/N does the same actions as me, "I offer you this cup, with our bond at the beginning."

Y/N hands me the cup and I take it sipping it then handing it back to Y/N repeating her words and she drinks the rest. I wipe my lips as a bot of our blood stains the corner of her lips. Both of us accepting each others blood and hint of each others powers.

"Please resist the traditional words," Father says as I take hold of her hands.

"Y/N / Meliodas, I take thee as my bonded partner, my one, my only, my eternity. I will stand by you forever, I will never stray as you are my eternity. Forever and always, yours," Y/N and I say in unison.

Father hands us two gold rings bands, "With these rings, it shows your love," He says.

I take the ring for Y/N and put it on her wedding finger, "With this ring, it shows you are mine and I am yours," I say looking her in the eyes.

Y/N blushes a little taking the remaining ring from my father, sliding it onto my wedding finger, "With this ring, it shows you are mine and I am yours," Y/N repeats.

Father takes my legy hand placing it on Y/Ns chest and he places Y/Ns left hand on my right hip back, "With this mark, it shows our eternal bond and our vow to stand beside each other till the very end of the universe," Y/N and I say together and a sharp pain comes from my hip bone where my bonding mark appears as do Y/Ns.

We remove our hands from each other, "I now announce you both Prince Meliodas and Princess Y/N, eternal bonded mates, you may now kiss you mate," Father says.

I pull Y/N to me, wrapping my arms around her waist and leans down. I press my lips against her, kissing her passionately and deeply, she responds wrapping her arms around my neck. Our kiss makes other either blush or look away or roll their eyes in Zeldris's and Adam's case.

I lean back opening my eyes activating my demonic powers as does Y/N. She smirks and kisses me stronger and tightens her hold on me. It catches me off guard a little before I respond tightening my grip on her.

"Okay you two," Zeldris says and we pull away looking at me blankly, "Enough kissing in front of the non-mated ones," He says.

I sigh and look at Y/N noticing her rosy red cheeks and smirk, "Later Princess," I say deeply leaning in resting our foreheads together, "Forever..."

Y/N smiles and takes my hand as we walk out of the altar.

As we leave the altar we see the guards holding back her parents. I glare at them and pull Y/N into the castle, "The guards will get rid of them, you don't need to worry about them anymore my dear," I say and kiss her cheek as we walk to the ballroom heading to the family's table.

"Why are they here, didn't they get the message that we do not want them to be near the castle or me at all. No matter what?" Y/N asks looking up at me as we walk to the top table.

"I made that clear enough without hurting them, yes," I tell her with a nod and pull out her chair for us, she sits down and I push it in before I take the seat next to her.

"Maybe, you should have been a bit more forceful?" Y/N suggests looking at me.

"But they are your parents," I look at her raising my right eyebrow in confusion.

"My father was my parent, my mother was like a pimp," Y/N tells me and I try hard not to chuckle at her choice of words.

I look at her and nod, "I'll remember that," I tell her and all of the high classed demons who have been invited to the dinner party walk inside. Each of them walks up to us and tell us they're happy for us or they congratulate us for finding our boned mate.

The dinner party wasn't much but a meal, chatter and speeches. We didn't plan a dance as we wanted this to be plain and simple, as well as being as far away from a holy ceremony as possible. 

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