Hello again...

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Marco's POV

I tried to get out of the chair that Toffee had me stuck in, he capture me after a fight me and Star had about a few hours ago. He left me alone so I figured this was my best bet to get out. I just groaned when I heard the castle doors slam shut.

"Put her with him." Toffee said to one of the monsters, I noticed that it was holding a girl in a long but a bit ripped blue dress, then I noticed her cheek marks. They were spades, Toffee opened the door as the monster made it's way into the room.

"PUT ME DOWN!" She yelled, the monster laughed and tossed her in the room.

"You okay?" I asked her, she got up and sighed.

"Yup, just peachy." She said, she noticed the cuffs on my hands. "Let me help you with that." She said and magically unlocked the cuffs when her hand glowed bright f/c.

"Thanks." I said and rubbed my sore wrist.

"So do you know why we're here?" She asked me, I shook my head.

"Kinda simple really, Star cares for both of you." Toffee said as he got up to put his jacket on a coat holder.

"Wait, your name doesn't happen to be Marco Diaz does it?" She asked me, I nodded."We need to get out of here." She said and held up her hand. "Explosive Emeralds!" She yelled, Emeralds came out her hands and onto the wall. "Beach barrier!" She yelled and a tall wall appeared infront of me and her as the emeralds blew up.

"Whhhaaa?" I said as she lowered the barriers disappeared, only to reveal a shiny wall.

"Don't try it." Toffee said as he held up two sandwiches. "Another spell more powerful than that will destroy you two." Toffee said, he set the food on a table next to my chair. "Eat, it might be your last meal." He walked away but then looked at the girl. "Nice cheek marks, reminds me of someone long ago." He said and walked out.

"Stupid monster." She mumbled and sat on the ground.

"So, are you from Mewni?" I asked her, she looked up at me.

"Yeah, i'm princess Y/n. What's your name?" She asked me.

"Marco Diaz, i'm fr-"

"HOLD UP!" Y/n yelled, making me jump. She saw what she did and cleared her throat. "Your the Marco Diaz? The same one Star talks about?" She asked me.

"Yeah. Wait, how do you know Star." I asked her, she sighed and pointed at her cheek marks. Me and her talked for a bit in silence. "So why weren't you able to leave the castle?" I asked her, she sighed.

"A few hundred years ago, there was a queen with these exact cheek marks. She was a good queen, until she met a monster and fell in love with him. She later learned to do dark magic. This cause me to never leave the castle, never to learn magic and I guess to never be queen." She explained, I kinda felt bad for her.

"Then how do you know magic now?" I asked her she looked at me.

"When my mom gave Star the wand, I was able to learn magic without a wand. But all I know is basic stuff a few of my own." She said, we then noticed the fly monster was fluffing a tall pillow stack. "What's with the pillows?"

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