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Have you ever felt like, you weren't able to be you because of something that someone did?

A Mewni castle appears and zooms in to reveal two baby rockers. Then a woman with bright blue hair with purple diamonds on her cheeks walks into the room, she smiles at the and picked up the baby in the f/c rocker.

"Why hello there." She said, she moved the blanket out of the way to reveal a tiny baby girl with spades on her cheeks that were f/c color, she also had h/c hair, beautiful e/c eyes and shimmering s/t.

That little baby that the lady is hold, that's me, and the older woman is my mom. Queen Moon Butterfly of Mewni. The rocker next to me has my twin sister, Star butterfly. Sure we don't like identical, but we sure are sisters. Sisters with different amounts of freedom.

The view changes to seeing a small girl with blonde hair in pigtails, pink hearts on her cheeks while wearing a blue dress playing in the grass. But above her in the castle, was a girl with H/c hair and saddened e/c eyes while looking at her sister, Star.

"You shouldn't be so close to the window Y/n!" Someone yelled behind her. She looks to see it's just Manfred.

"I know, I just want to go outside." She said, Manfred sighed and grabbed her wrist with a tight grip. They walked passed a painting of a woman with the same cheek marks as Y/n but being held by a monster.

You see that lady up there? She's Eclipsa, the reason i'm not aloud out of the castle. She ran away from being queen to fall in love with a monster, I didn't really know what happened to her, even now she's a rumor. I was never allowed to do magic until I turned 13, but even that chance got taken away from me.

The view changes to Y/n standing infront of her parents as a 13 year-old.  They both looked boarded as they waited for Y/n's sister, Star, who was late once again. They started to hear hoof prints so the guards went to open the door but it was smashed away by a warnacorn with Star on top.

"Oh, not again." Y/n mumbled as the horse jumped in the air and went through the wall above the king and queen. Y/n was happy to see Star in her Mewni dress but saw she was having trouble as she watched the wand.

"Now before I give the wand to the soon to be queen, I am now announcing that after this, who ever doesn't get the wand will be taught how to use magic without the wand." Queen Moon said, both twins nodded.

"The new queen will be..." King River said and paused for effect. Please be me, please be me! Y/n thought. "Star Butterfly!" He yelled, everyone in the room erupted with joy, everyone but Y/n. She just stood there as she watched Star take the wand and for it to form into it's new form. She looked at the ground is disappointment.

"Y/n" Moon said in an angry tone, Y/n looked up at her mother in sadness. Moon then smiled kindly at her. "I will see you in the morning for your first magic lesson." Moon said, Y/n smiled and hugged her parents.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" She said, she then let them go and cleared her throat. "I mean, thank you for this opportunity." She said, Moon, Star and River smiled. Everything was going great, until Star nearly burnt down a village square.

"I DON"T WANT TO GO!" Star complained as she fell flat on her face on her bed.

"At least you won't have to go to that place, I heard Earth is way weirder than Mewni, no magic. Can you believe it?" Y/n asked her sister, attempting to cheer her up.

"Yeah, but I'll miss you, Mom, Dad and everyone else." Star said, Y/n thought for a minute and noticed Star's mirror.

"What if ever night, me and you talk? Since i'm gonna be learning about magic, we can tell each other new things, you know keep in touch." Y/n said, Star gave her hug and they walked down the chariot. Y/n waved goodbye to her sister and sighed at the silence.

Moon taught her spells ever since, they allowed her to go outside but she couldn't go past the forest. One day, she was just smelling the roses and smiled. She then heard a rustle in the woods.

"Hello? Who's there?" She asked, then a lizard wearing a tux came out.

"Hello Y/n." He said, she backed away a bit.

"What do you want?" She yelled at him, hoping to catch a guard's attention.

"Just for you to help with something." He answered.

"Like what?" She asked.

"Getting Star to my castle." He said with a smile, then everything became black.

A spade and a MoonWhere stories live. Discover now