Chapter 1: The Family Friends

Comincia dall'inizio

Sakura:it's alright.

Mrs.Kocho: well since you've introduced your child it's only fair we do the same! Kanae! Shinobu!

???#3/???#4: Yes mama!!

Mrs.Kocho: Come inside you'll catch a cold out there!

???#3/???#4: Coming Mama!!

When Mrs.Kocho said that, two girls my age came into the house. The first one and the taller out of the two had long hair stretched passed her shoulders and pinkish violet eyes that spand had on pink kimono to match her mothers.the shorter out of two was similar looking with the black hair but hers was shorter and in a ponytail and her eyes were more of than deep violet but she had a matching kimono but with white butterflies on it.

Mrs.Kocho: Sakura this is our first born, Kanae *points at the the taller girl*and this is our second child, Shinobu *points at the shorter girl*Kanae, Shinobu this is Mrs.Takeshi and her son Y/n.

Kanae: It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Takeshi and you too Y/n!


As the two girls introduced themselves to me and mom, I found myself unamused since every girl I've met up until this point has always said and thought of the same things so I look at them with a blank expression before turning to the side signaling I don't what to talk to them.

Sakura: Y/n that's not nice! It's a pleasure to meet you two and I'm sure my son is happy to meet you as well.

Y/n: *mumbling* Debatable.

My mother shoots me a glare so I take back my words.

Y/n: I-I mean of course I'm happy to meet them!

I put a smile on my face out of fear.

Sakura: Good, now show the girls around the house after that,you can go outside with them. Am I clear?

Y/n:Y-Yes mother!

I can hear our guests giggling at me for being so scared especially the girls.

Y/n: I already know it's gonna be a long day.
Third POV (timeskip)
After Y/n showed Kanae and Shinobu around the house we left for me to show them neighborhood.

Y/n:Here's the swimming hole its a popular attractions around here. There's where the Haruno's live.

Random man: Hello Y/n, how've you been? You and your family doing okay?

Y/n: We're doing fine Jonouchi-San, how's your wife?

Jonouchi: Same old, same old. Well see you later Y/n.

Y/n: later!

Jonouchi walks back home leaving the three kids alone.

Kanae: Who was that?

Y/n: That was Jonouchi-San, he helps around the village a lot,carrying supplies for people and stuff like that. He also called crazy Joey.

Shinobu: Why do they called him that?

Y/n: He's crazy like I don't know what, I think I saw him talking to a chicken like it was person!

The Lost Sparda (kimetsu no yaiba x male sparda's descendant reader) [On Hold]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora