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   "welcome prudence junior class of '21"
i roll my eyes at the amount of bullshit the next hour is going to consume. the speeches are always the same every year. the do's and don'ts of Prudence Classical Academy. i look around for blair. she's probably late as usual. i head to the gazebo where my friends normally meet. i spot them all.
"what's up brandy!" TJ shouts to me.
TJ is never tired. always bursting with energy that he can't contain.
i reply with "where the hell is blair?"
"woah woah settle down. someone's missing their girlfriend i see."
i roll my eyes. blair and i  are best friends and everyone likes to pull lesbian jokes at us.  "welcome back to the shitshow that is Prudence !" yells blair as she slams through the door.
under her black sunglasses i can tell she's hungover. she probably went to the college homecoming rager last night with her senior friends she met last year on the volleyball team. her uniform looks like it's barely hanging on. she lost a lot of wait over the summer.
i scan the area of lost freshman, and stuck up sophmores as i see stephen. he's making his way over here and everything comes flooding back. all of the feelings, all of the countless nights i waited up for him to call, all of the tears i cried because he would never love me the way i wanted him to. i've loved stephen since kindergarten when we became best friends. we drifted apart when i met blair in seventh grade and he joined the water polo team, but we still hangout. it's just not the same.
"yo yo yo ste-dog what is up my guy!" tristyn yells.
"i'm doing alright" stephen follows with a fist bump.
"how's it going bran" stephen says to me as he bumps me on the shoulder with his fist.
"it's going good" i reply. i'm consumed with adrenaline and butterfly's.
"aye who wants to go to a partayyy tonight? i'm hosting. my folks are in houston on business, so i've got an empty house and a fully stocked liquor cabinet." TJ says as he's interrupt by the dean calling us to attention. "welcome students, i am dean bradley and i would like to wish you all an amazing school year."
this sentiment is followed by our school song, a hymn, and a prayer. then dean bradley takes to stage again.
"freshman you have been assigned to a junior buddy who is going to show you around today!"
great now we have to tour freshman all day. "juniors you will be handed a name card on your way out with your buddy's name on it. you will head to the field and hold up you sign for your buddy to find you. you are dismissed."

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