The next morning Taehyun felt very happy. Somehow, (Jungkook probably brought his upstairs after he fell asleep) they had ended up in their bed. Taehyun giggled softly as Jungkook cuddled into his back. 'Of course he had woken up first' Taehyun thought, a find smile settling in his face. Taehyun soaked in the good feeling of the morning and the feelings of love from his boyfriend. Then his phone started buzzing.

Taehyun checked the clock, it was noon. He wiggled towards his phone, Jungkook wining at the loss of touch, and looked to see who was calling him. Surprisingly it was a Korean area code again. The buzzing stopped and he saw that he had 12 missed calls from the same number, 11 from a different one, and 2 from the one last night. He sighed and set his phone down only for it to start ringing again. Taehyun scoffed and ignored the call. He thought that was the end of it until his phone started to ring again. He glared at the phone. Jungkook's smile faltered, he picked up the phone and answered the call, "Hello?" He sounded annoyed. He smirked as the person on the other line started to yell. "What are you saying? I can't understand you?" He asked, clearly messing with the person on the other line. Taehyun stifled a laugh as Jungkook kept the act up. The person on the other line finally screamed something that made Jungkook's face drop. Taehyun noticed and his own smile faltered. Taehyun reached out to take the phone. "Hello" he said in Korean. "F***ING FINALLY! What the heck man?! I've been trying to get a hold of you all day!" It was Yeonjun, he sounded pissed, Taehyun rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" He snapped. Yeonjun must have been fuming but he replied calmly, "Soobin is in the hospital. He was in a bad accident." Taehyun felt all of the blood in body go cold. "What?" He wasn't sure if he heard Yeonjun correctly. "Just please come back to Korea. We need you here, please." The previous anger was still there but it was mostly replaced with exhaustion and pleading. "O-ok" He replied shaky again. The line went dead. Taehyun looked at Jungkook. He started to tear up. Jungkook pulled him into his chest. Taehyun weeped as Jungkook kept him steady and pressed against his chest. Taehyun looked up at Jungkook, "Will you come with me?" His voice wavered. "Of course, baby." He replied. Taehyun felt his heart swell with happiness but a feeling of being distraught soon buried it's way into his heart.


Taehyun had booked them the first available flight out to Korea and arrived a week after the call. Beomgyu met them at the airport. He looked like crap, and that was being kind. Beomgyu's hair was disarray and his eyes had dark bags under them. Taehyun ran up and hugged him. Beomgyu hugged him back. Taehyun was worried but Beomgyu calmed him. "He's not dead, but he was in a coma for a week. He just woke up yesterday and all he can remember is you." Taehyun froze at that. Jungkook rubbed his back to calm him but it wouldn't work. How they got to the hospital Taehyun can't say for sure, but when they got there, Yeonjun was waiting for them. At first it was an angry look but it soon softened and he just looked tired. Taehyun dropped his things and rushed to Yeonjun. Yeonjun started to tear up. "He's…All he can remember…" Yeonjun tried to explain, but Taehyun stopped him. "I already know, can we see him?" Taehyun asked quietly, unsure if that was really what he wanted to do. Yeonjun noticed even in his tired state, "Go check into your hotel, then we can eat out tonight? You can visit in the morning." Taehyun felt relief flood over him. "Yeah, ok, tomorrow…" he mumbled. Jungkook cleared his throat and Taehyun turned to him. Taehyun smiled, his rock through all of this was with him. "Guys?" He said. Beomgyu and Yeonjun turned to him. "This is my boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook." He stated. Yeonjun's face contorted but ended in a seemingly forced smile while Beomgyu just smiled weakly at him. Taehyun turned to Jungkook, "Jungkook, this is Yeonjun and Beomgyu." He said as he motioned to them. They all shook hands. Yeonjun then escorted them outside and hailed a taxi for them. Taehyun was happy to see his friends but nervous about what was to come tomorrow.

As promised they all went out and caught up. Taehyun found out that Yeonjun was becoming bigger as a model and Beomgyu was helping at a big idol company. They all chatted and had fun until Soobin was brought up. Turns out Soobin didn't get over their break up so easily, he became depressed and uninspired. But that when him and Kai started dating he was doing better. Of course until that night. Taehyun shook off the topic and changed it to family and the previous aura was reinstated with a hint of tension. Though overall it was a nice dinner and it was good for Taehyun to catch up with his friends. 

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