Episode 20: The Sixth Hero

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"Aww, I was excited to say hi to the cutie. She looks adorable," Esther said, crouched by the Shaymin. "Let's get outta here. I feel like I could eat a whole Grumpig."

"You as well? Lucky us, not getting jumped by that powerful Eevee, too. I still can't sense him at all," Sophitia said.

"That's a good thing, right? Let's get out of here while it stays that way," Lute said.

As soon as they got outside, Lute couldn't help but sigh in disappointment. The fog was still heavy in the area, and if anything, was even heavier than before. Just when he felt they made a step forward, things remained unchanged.

"U-um, Lute, can you carry me?" Esther said. He raised an eyebrow while everyone else turned to her, making her blush. "I-i-it's nothing really, I'm just like, dying of hunger back here. I don't think I can walk very far, that's how hungry I am!"

"I mean I'm starving too, isn't that just exaggerating? But fine, I'll carry you," Sophitia stretched her feelers over.

"Na-uh, it has to be Lute!" Esther cried.

"Esther." Phoenix rolled his eyes.

Oh. I didn't take you for the lazy type," Naivie said.

"It's not lazy! I'm genuinely too hungry to go far, that's all. And I'd love it if a big strong male were to help me out a bit of the way, nothin' more, nothin' less," Esther said.

"Big strong male and Lute in the same sentence is hilarious to think about. In fact it's so hilarious that nobody's laughing," Naivie commented.

"Why me?" Lute sighed.

Esther paused for a moment, and then moaned. "Oh stuff it, life's too short to play blind Zubat."

"Esther? Wah!" he cried as she dove on top of him. She latched to his mane and wrapped both paws around his neck.

"You handled me last time, you can do it here, too." She giggled at his bothered groan.

The others palmed their faces, but chose to ignore her as they made their way back to Everend. Lute took note of Phoenix's especially frustrated look, however. The way the Fennekin silently snarled and turned away, he felt guilty for it, despite not knowing why.

Their return home was as degrading as the trip to the temple. Lute was silent and smothered by negative thoughts about the weather, though he also thought hard about how he failed to stay awake during the prayer. He was sick of getting into these situations where he had to put effort into something, only to pass out despite his efforts to stay strong. It was like no matter what he did, his body would remind him of how weak he truly was.

Even when they made it home and Marina met them all with celebrations and a grand meal, he couldn't bring himself to pay attention to everyone's merriment. Naivie's comment was surely a joke, but it stung, hard. It was far beyond a joke how much he struggled, and if he was still serious about becoming a hero, then he needed to make a miracle happen. Those thoughts followed him all the way until bedtime.

Tomorrow, I put in one hundred and fifty percent, he kept telling himself.

He envisioned battles and situations similar to what he had been through recently, and what he could do to deal with them. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice Esther sneak up to cuddle him from behind. The moment she did, he flew into a frenzy and threw his tail high into the air.

"Wah, wait Lute stop it's only—" Esther cried.

"Get off!" Lute screamed as he balanced on his front feet. He spun with astonishing force to throw his attacker into the wall so hard they stuck there, upside-down. "A-ah! Esther?"

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