Chapter 8: Cade, the Cuckoo boy

Comenzar desde el principio

As Cade tried to parry and attack, Josh's sword hit the base of Cade's and he twisted it. Cade grunted in surprise, his eyes widening as Josh put all his pressure in the downward thrust and, just like that, Cade's blade clanked to the ground.

The entire crowd burst into a deafening applause, some hooting and hollering out praises in loud cuss words that was better left unsaid.

Josh grinned smugly and ran his fingers through his black hair, messing it up even more. Despite my known dislike towards him, I clapped and cheered. Without my permission, my eyes wandered down his strong biceps as he rolled up his short sleeves to wipe his brow. His stormy blue eyes were almost iridescent and his black hair seemed to turn hazel in the sunlight.

I snapped out of my thoughts that I really shouldn't have thought to begin with when Miss Becker stepped inside the ring once more. She clapped Josh in the shoulder and announced, "And this is how you're supposed to fight!"

Cade's face turned a bright shade of red and he stormed outside, fuming.

"All right, all right, kids, enough with the dueling," she called out, her eyes searching the crowd. "Now, for some actual training. I hear we have a new student among us..."

Oh shit.


Unsurprisingly, I sucked.

We were back inside the Fort after the dueling sessions drew to a close. The training room inside was vast with a vaulted ceiling and was divided into various sections - there was the area for training itself and then were several obstacle courses, ranging from easy to hard to life-threatening.

Once inside, Miss Becker put her sole attention on me and did her best to teach me some basic sword manoeuvres but after miserably failing, she huffed in irritation and left to attend to the other students. I was almost glad, until she called out from over her shoulder, "Josh! Please see to Miss Young. Don't let her cut off her own arm!"

I groaned as Josh strolled over to me, looking none too pleased either. I gave him a glare as he studied me critically, as if he could rattle off all my faults in one breath.

"Too short, too skinny, not enough strength," he muttered. I would've insulted him right back if it weren't for the look of professional detachment on his eyes. I sensed he wasn't deliberately riling me up, just spitting facts.

"All right," he said, sighing. "Grab your sword. Let's begin."

I snatched my sword from where I had abandoned it in irritation and took the stance that Miss Becker taught me. Josh looked ready to burst into laughter before schooling his features into neutral. He came closer and I felt myself stiffen.

"Relax," he said before inching even closer. His hand snaked to my waist. Startled into silence, I didn't say anything as he corrected my posture. Then, his other hand gently loosened my grip on the sword. He moved back, nodding in approval.

"That's better," he said, circling me. "Remember, the sword isn't just a weapon. It's part of you - an extension, if you will. It is nothing more or less than the decision you choose to make. As a man once told me, a weapon is only dangerous if its wielder wills it so."

I looked at Josh in surprise but he didn't seem to notice me. His eyes were distant and a nuance of a smile teased his lips. Even my own frown dissolved. Looking at him like that, it felt like seeing him from a different perspective all together. His face was calm and sure, even content, as if the memory in his mind was better than the present.

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