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"Aster, we have it. We have enough!" An exited voice breaks me out of my work cleaning engine parts. I abruptly look up, and see Rey standing at the entrance to the tent, looking more excited than I've ever seen her.  I open my mouth in shock,  her words sinking in. I feel my knees go weak at the thought of what this means. We have enough. After four years. Four long grueling years of hard work from Rey and myself, scavenging and cleaning old engine parts actually payed off. 

We can leave, rings through my head. I can't help the big smile that stretches across my face, and I drop the engine part in my hand and run to Rey, who's standing with her arms spread open. I engulf her in a big hug, ignoring the metal collar around my neck. 

"Thank you so so so much, Rey." I whisper into her shoulder.  Rey grabs my shoulders, avoiding the collar, and gently pushes me away from hers looking me in the eyes, a smile on her face.

"You're welcome," Rey whispers smiling down at me. She lifts her hand to wipe the tear that had fallen, and I can't help but laugh at myself. "I didn't think I'd actually cry." I say. Rey grins.

"Of course you'd cry, you're the most emotional person I know." I gape at her and punch her shoulder. 

"Rude. I though we were having a moment." I grumble, but unable to fight the happinesss swelling within me. 

"We are having a moment, but lets get out of here and make into an even bigger one." Rey says, beckoning me to follow her out of the tent. I give the small workspace I've sat in for four years, one last glance before I follow her out.

We walk theough Niima Outpost, keeping out eyes out for any of Unkars Thugs, who would be most unhappy to see me out of my tent when I'm supposed to be working. Rey spots a couple, but grabs my hand and pulls me behind a tent. We stand there until they pass and make our way to the small centre, Unkar Plutts Trading station.

Rey walks first and I follow behind cautiously. He's going to hate this. The moment he sees us, he stands up from behind his counter and points at me, with his long gruppy finger.

"Get back to work, girl!" I can't help the bubble of fear in my chest. I  try to avoid his gaze and glance at Rey, who always looks so confident and determined, even now. I always looked up to her, how could I not when she's saving me from this horrible situation. Ignoring Unkars outraged cries for me to get back to work, Rey approaches him still holding onto my hand, pulling me along with her.  

"I am here to buy Aster Talian." Rey looks Unkar Plutt dead in the eye.  Unkar looks at us, his hand frozen in the air, still pointing at me before he erupts into a horrible fit of laughter.  His bea like eyes closing as his big yellow-green head falling back. He falls back into his chair and grins. I stare at him, as I'm sure everyone in Niima Outpost is doing at this moment. One thing I never thought I would hear, was Unkar Plutt laughing. It really was as horrible as I had imagined.

"With what? You have nothing." His eyes squint together as Rey reaches into her bag and pulls out a small rusty box. She carefully opens the box and shows its contents to Unkar Plutt. His eyes widen and his eyes dart to me, then to my collar. Thinking. I can feel hope soaring in my chest at his hesitation. I glance to Rey, and she gives me a small nod. This will work. It has to. I knows we have enough and that he'll let me go. The amount Rey gave him is to much for his greedy hands to give away.

It feels like a decade later when he nods his head. My stomach drops and I feels Rey squeeze me tightly. I can't believe it. I'm  free. 

Rey places the box on his counter, put doesn't let it go. She proceeds to hold out her other hand expectantly at him. He looks at the box containing the ten gold coins, worth a lot of credits, before turning around and reaching for one of the many keys on the wall behind him. He returns and drops it into Reys palm. She closes her fist around the key and finally lets go of the box.

The moment the deal is done, Rey grabs my hand and walks as fast as possible out of there. I can feel the tears of joy and relief rolling down my face, but I'm to overwhelmed to notice, let alone wipe them away. We don't stop walking until we reach the outskirts of Niima Outpost and Rey finally turns to me, key in hand. 

She says nothing as she places the key into the heavy metal collar.  The thud it makes hitting the sand rings through my head. The relief on my neck is amazing and I dont dwell long on the fact that there must be some scarring visable.

 I wipe the tears that are falling even faster and smile. I smile bigger then I ever have before. Rey pulls me into a hug, holding me tight against her.

"I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you, Rey." I whisper into our hug. She pulls away and gives me a stern look. 

"You did as much work as me, okay. There is nothing that needs to be repayed." 

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