A/N about Comfort Women

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There is a story written by moonwatcher71 called Comfort Women. It's not only a story. It was a group. A group no one wanted to be a member of. This story is about them. And I want to share my thoughts about it and recommend you to read it.

But before that I want to warn all of you. My opinions about certain things like political correctness, feminism, gender identity things, etc... are kind of unpopular because I don't fully agree with what they're saying and/or what they're doing. I just want to let you know this because maybe some things I write here maybe sound offensive to some of you. These opinions I have is based on what I read, heard and experienced. And if you want to argue with me in the comments than feel free to do it but in a cultoral way please.

So I want to tell you that I'm completely against rape. No matter the victim's gender and age, no matter the perperator's gender and age. Rape is a bad thing and we should do everything we can to reduce the number of people falling victim to it.

This story is about this group called 'Comfort Women'. Young women who were taken by the Japanese military and forced them to be sex slaves in the middle of the 20th century. I won't go in there more, you should read the story for that. 

I agree that Japan should acknowledge that it happened. What happened then is horrible. Those women deserve better than this. Can't really add more to this part. But about the apology part, I'm sorry but I cannot agree to that. I don't know much about tha japanese government so correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that those who are in power now are not responsible for this. I would say that they should search for those people who were in charge back there and still alive. They should apologies for it.

I will be honest as I was earlier as well. At first I didn't think much of it. I though: yeah... lot's of shit happened in the last century so? Millions have died, lost loved ones, etc... but after reading it, I couldn't get it out of my head so I started connecting it with my opinions about other historical events. And then it hit me. The reason I should care about this. The reason I RECOMMEND YOU TO READ IT.  Living in a country with a long but kind of tragic history gave me another point of view about this story.

My motive for writing this whole note is not mainly because of they deserve justice. I don't think they would ever truly feel like they got it. My main reason is that we can learn from it. This is the only thing we can do with the past. Learn from it. We must learn so we won't make more horrible things. We must learn so less people would suffer. We must learn because if we don't then we will wipe out ourself in this neverending cycle but if we learn, we can break out from this cycle and make the world a better place for many people.

So this is my opinion about this whole thing. You don't have to agree with me on anything but please understand that the same goes for me as well. Thank you for everyone who read it and thank you moonwatcher71 for this story because this is really important and there should be more like this.

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