"No, no, no, Joon you can't! Don't leave me, please! Please!" You beg, your eyes darting around you as a small family steps out of the diner. Smiles adorn their faces from what you hoped was a good experience. They don't know it, but it gives you a moment of relief. Namjoon doesn't know what to do, stopping in his tracks as he tries to think through the sleep that still covers the entirety of his existence. He rubs helplessly at the bridge of his nose until the lightbulb turns on above his head and he races down the hall to one of the other members rooms.

"Okay, okay. I got it. It won't be me; I really should drive safely if I want to make it to you fast enough so I'm going to bring one of the guys. Okay? Is that okay?" He asked as he pushes open one of the bedroom doors, rushing to the person hidden under the thick quilt.

"Jungkook. Kook. Come on." The sleeping maknae groans at his hyungs' pleas but opens his eyes when Namjoon repeats his name louder and with a purpose.

"What's wrong hyung?" Jungkook ask's, and you can hear his voice through the line threaded with grogginess, a twinge of guilt twisting in your stomach.

"I need you to do me a favor. We have to go, now. Please." Namjoon pleads and there's enough stress in his brother's voice to make a spike of worry shoot through Jungkook's body. He's sitting up and getting dressed without another word, following Namjoon out the door as he quickly explains the situation.

"I'm sorry Kook, but it's an emergency. You were the first person that came to mind." Joon apologizes but Jungkook waves a dismissive hand at him. He owed Namjoon his whole entire life. Never would he be living the life he dreamed of living right now if it weren't for him. Never would he have the 6 brothers he has now if it weren't for Namjoon. He would do anything for him at any cost. Including saving his friend.

"Y/n. I'm driving now. Okay? I'm going to let you talk to Jungkook. Just lean on him for a little bit, alright? I'm sorry." Jungkook watches the way Namjoon focuses on making sure he's doing everything right. From adjusting the mirror, to assuring that his lights are working properly, But Jungkook notices a side of him he never thought he'd see. Namjoon was terrified.

After getting confirmation from you, Namjoon hands off the phone to Jungkook and peals off, tires screeching and echoing through the neighborhood.

"Y/n, its Jungkook." Kook tries to keep the air light seeing as he has no idea what's going on, but his stomach drops, and he stiffens slightly when he hears the whimper that betrays you. To make matters worse, it's followed by a series of sniffles as you try to calm yourself.

"Hi." You breathe out and Jungkook's heart squeezes. He doesn't know what to say, lost in the sound of your cries, and the silence makes a few more sobs escape you.

"Jungkook? Say something please. Please talk to me." Your fingers cramp, knuckles turned bleach white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly, needing something to anchor you.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm here. Are you...are you hurt?" Namjoon flinches when he hears the way you fail to hold in your sobs at Jungkook's question and curses himself for not asking you the same thing when you called. But he was focused on just getting to you first. Questions could come later.

"Um..." You start and cover your mouth when you're certain the words would just come out as mumbled whines. You start again with a little more confidence, wiping at your eyes that you know are ringed with smudges of mascara by now. "Yes." You whisper and sniffle. Jungkook looks over at Namjoon, watching him swallow hard with worry, eyes glued to the road.

"Are you somewhere safe?" Jungkook asks more fervently, understanding now the severity of the situation.

"Safe enough." You respond, laying your head on the steering wheel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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