Chapter 3

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It had been a week since her discussion with her father until she was offered a position at Elm Street Coffee. For her interview, Jared Williams had asked her the typical 'Why do you see yourself here? Do you like coffee?' And so on. Annalisa, with her father's suggestion, offered responses that were received with nods of approval. He asked her to show him how she made traditional espresso drinks, to which she had to stop herself from smirking as she created each of the simple drinks for him. When he tasted them, his eyes went wide from beneath the brim of his hat as he sputtered out, "Congratulations, you have the job."

She turned to her father with the news, but he only lifted his eyes slightly from the newspaper he was reading in acknowledgment of her success.

She would work from the crack of dawn until around the end of the afternoon rush hour every single day. She soon familiarized herself with the store and of its components, including the specialty drinks, even though they still made her stomach grumble with discomfort. Although would never admit it to herself, she enjoyed the new environment. Annalisa would smile as the Kindred Spirits Cards Club, which was comprised of older ladies with large bags slung over their shoulders, would huddle in the corner of the cafe with their games of solitaire and war laid out between them every Tuesday morning. When someone would order a pour-over, she would lean against the counter and chat with them while she worked. But most of all, she felt relieved to know that her father's shadow was nowhere in sight.

Each time she entered the store, she would look for Stephen working behind the machines. But every time that she did, she would look in vain. She so desperately wanted to ask as to where the man with the butterfly in his cup had gone, but she knew that it would draw more attention to her. So Annalisa kept quiet about the mysterious, rosy-cheeked stranger that seemed to disappear from beneath her nose.

"Caroline, I have a rainbow latte at the end of the bar!" She called out, setting out the colorful beverage. She received awes of wonder as she handed it over. The young girl who received it gave her thanks and set a large five-dollar bill in her tip jar.

Annalisa couldn't complain that the tips were infinitely better than La Cosa Nostra's.

"Sorry, I'm late!" she heard a voice cry out from behind her. Annalisa turned around to find her fellow barista, Dawn, fumbling around to tie her apron as she greeted a customer.

"What kept you up?" Annalisa asked while she laughed at her. "Jordan, I have an Americano!"

She blew a raspberry and replied, "The cat. It's always the cat." Dawn then straightened her bandana and started to create a drink in the cue.

The doorbell twinkled as a man stepped inside.

"Welcome in!" Annalisa called. Elm Street Coffee valued the experience of the customer, so every single person who entered was to be greeted, no matter how disgruntled. It also gave her a chance to see if a certain 'stranger' would walk inside. But Annalisa wouldn't admit it to herself.

The man removed his hat, revealing his dark eyes and balding head. He nodded in Annalisa's direction before skirting around the line of people to head behind the bar. She watched him knock on the door that led to the offices, and he was welcomed in by Jared, the owner. They shared a chuckle before he entered, and the door was closed behind them.

"Who was that?" Annalisa asked, leaning over to Dawn.

"That's Nick Costello, he runs the roastery for the store. He comes in every once in awhile to see how we're doing, he likes to keep a close eye on us."

"How come?" She asked, beginning to pull another shot of espresso.

"Caire!" Dawn called out. "Oh, I'm not sure, probably to see that we are still a good investment."

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