Peanut Butter Toast

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   Breakfast. Toast and peanut butter. Pa's favorite. I was dressed and ready for the day already. At just 16 I was an intern at the local hospital. It was really cool. Everyone knew me. Faris Wilson. I was a genius and I was going to graduate super early, this year. "Breakfast is ready Pa. We gotta hurry or I'll be late."

   I took breakfast and headed out towards the car. My grey shirt was met with my pale cream jacket. Greys, blacks, whites. It felt wrong. I was always drawn to bright colorful things but Pa never let me wear anything colorful. When I was younger I used to sneak some colorful pins onto my backpack. Pa didn't like that when he found out.

   "I'm coming Faris." Pa walked up behind me and grabbed his keys. Faris was such a strange name. It never really felt like my name.

   "Don't bother coming to get me. I'll sleep up there since I'm helping the doctors on call all night," I explained handing him his slice of toast and going out the door.

   "Alright. I'll see you for dinner like always though. Don't miss it." There was an air of menace to his words as he closed and locked the front door behind us. He always sounded so menacing. I don't understand him.

   I wilted a bit. "Course Pa." I slid into the passenger seat. Pa wouldn't let me forget anything. He never lets me do anything. He's always checking up on me all the time. Even during my internship I'll get a message from a nurse saying he was here. He said I could never ever leave him.

   He was my Pa though. He was also getting older. I suspect his mind is slipping not that he would ever admit that out loud. I sighed softly as the rest of the ride was quiet.

   I stepped out of the car at the hospital. "I'll see you around Pa." I felt an air of relief being out of the car. The air in the car had been tense and harsh making it almost difficult to breathe. 

   "Bye. I love you Faris." He gave a sickening smile.

   Bile rose in my non existent throat. "Yeah. Love you too Pa." I gave a smile and headed inside to get away from this tense situation. I ate the last bit of toast before going to find my boss. 

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