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"No turning back now." I think to myself as I throw open the front door to Full stop.

Today isn't just any day. It's my first day as a recruiter and talent scout for the very company that Harry himself works for.

I wonder for a moment if my hands would be shaking so much if I had filled him in on my new position. I haven't, of course, I haven't really filled him in on anything concerning my life lately, it's been over two months since we've spoken.

Today though, today I'm going to call him, reach out and offer to meet. I finally accomplished what I set out to do, I landed a job on my own. A job based solely on my own accolade and accomplishments.

We've spent time apart, I figured myself out and now I want to know, I need to know if the damage done to us along the way is reparable. God, I really hope it is.

I'm greeted warmly at the door by a woman who introduces herself as Cheryl.

Cheryl walks me upstairs to my new office wishing me luck before departing back for her own area. I do small spin in the office chair I sit in, taking in the view from the window and taking a moment to allow myself to breathe before I settle in and dive head first into the to do list that's been left for me.

A knock on my office door startled me as a redhead girl I've never seen before stands unsurely in the doorway.

"Hi! I'm Katie! I head you were new and wanted to invite you to eat lunch with us!"

"Us?" I question, wondering if there is someone else looming just out of view.

"Yeah! Myself, and two other recruiters, Josh and Erin. We eat together practically every day we're in office. Just thought you might like to join us."

"I, well actually I'd love that." I reply standing. I reach into the mini fridge and grab the salad and smoothie I'd brought for my meal and follow after he to the break room a small smile turning up the corners of my lips.

I think I already love it here.


"They need me in today?"  I ask through the phone doing little to conceal my irritation as I listen to my agent tell me why I have to come down to the office.

"Yes sir, since you decided to renew your contract with us we need you to resign your paperwork and verify that you still have acknowledged and agreed to our contracts."

I sigh and roll my eyes towards the ceiling. "Fine. I'll be in in an hour."

At this point, I could give less of a fuck about my contract or anything really.

What good is the ability to do the thing you love if you have to do it without the person you love by your side?

I just fucking miss El. I can't write a sign for shit. The songs, or parts of songs I have written have all been shit. I'm grumpy, I'm horny and I'm just really fucking sad.

I roll from the spot in my lonely bed where I've pent yet another morning wallowing in my sorrows over El and head for my bathroom. The least I can do if I have to be seen is shower and make myself presentable to the general public.

In the Open | Harry Styles | Sequel to UndercoverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora