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It had finally arrived, my very first day at Goldman Entertainment. I had worked so incredibly hard for this day and nothing was going to ruin it for me, not even the weird tension that had settled between Harry and I recently.

What was up with that?

After I landed the job with Goldman and agreed to the public 'friend date' I had expected him to be on cloud nine. This is what he had wanted, right? We weren't publicly official but our names were very much now being linked together and I thought that would make him happy.

Instead he seemed almost terrified every time he saw a new article posted about our maybe relationship.

All of it made me uneasy, I trusted Harry with every piece of me but I couldn't kick the feeling that he was hiding something from me, and it was burning me up from the inside out. 

I straightened out my black dress pants and adjusted the collar of my crisp white shirt as I steadied myself on my favorite tan heels and stepped through the door. 

My eyes darted around the lush reception space as I stepped up to speak to the secretary. 

"Hello, my name is Elouise Mitchell, it's my first day and I was told to ask you where to go."

"Hello, Mr. Goldman said I should expect you and direct you to the third floor. You're to speak with Patrick and he'll get you started." She says, her voice void of emotion and her eyes never leaving her computer screen. 

I step away from the desk frowning slightly as I head towards the elevators. 

I smile at two ladies who also seem to be waiting for the lifts but they only stare in response. One, a blonde turns to the other and whispers something to her and they both laugh, not hiding the fact that they are staring at me. 

Is something in my teeth? Are my clothes messed up?

I run my tongue along my teeth not feeling anything foreign and peer down at my outfit which still appears fine. Why are they laughing at me?

I bite my lip, feeling my anxiety creep into my thoughts as I step into the car of the elevator.  

When I step off the car I ask the first person I see for the nearest restroom. I hurry away in the direction she indicated and shut the door of the bathroom behind me. I lock the door giving myself some privacy and take a few calming breaths as I lift my phone from my pocket.

I smile as the photo of Harry and I that fills my screen looks up at me. I slide the screen open and find his contact pressing the call button and press the phone to my ear. 

It rings twice before he picks up.

"El? Everything okay?"

He sounds panicked and I gather myself before replying not wanting to worry him further.

"Yeah, yeah, everything is fine." I finally force out.

"Babe, I can hear it in your voice, what's wrong? You were so excited when you left this morning, what changed?"

"I don't know Haz, I just got here and I don't know what I expected but I just already am feeling like I'm in over my head." A rogue tear fell from my eye and reached up to wipe it away.

"Aw, love, please don't cry. Take a deep breath. Remember that you've worked really hard for this, they wouldn't have given you the job if they didn't believe in you. You're so prepared and you know I'll do anything I can to help you. You're going to be amazing, El. I believe in you and I love you so much, El. I can't wait to hear all about it."

"I love you too, Haz." 

"You gonna be okay now? I'm supposed to go do a charity thing today but I can reschedule if you want me to drop by or something."

"Fuck no. Go to your charity thing, that's all I need, my megastar boyfriend showing up at my entertainment agency job. They'd try to get me to make you switch labels or something. I'll be fine, I'll see you tonight, I love you."

I end the call and take a moment to collect myself, fixing my makeup in the small mirror. I step from the bathroom with a new determination to have a good first day. My confidence I'd had when I first walked through the door isn't fully recovered but talking to Harry always makes things better for me.

A guy that appears not much older than me passes by and I stop him.

"Excuse me? Could you tell me where to find someone called Patrick? The receptionist told me to find him up here, it's my first day."

"You found me." He says with a soft smile and I relax knowing that at least I've managed to do one thing right. "You're Elousie?"

"Yes, but most people just call me Ellie."

"Great, well nice to meet you Ellie. We are about to head into a meeting actually. You will be following me around for the first few weeks and getting a layout for how things operate around here. Once you feel comfortable we'll start putting you in line with some of our newer clients and see how it goes."

I nod and follow behind him into the conference room. The meeting is about to begin and I find myself surrounded by businessmen and women, all of which seem to have one of those blue tooth headsets in their ears, many of them in use. 

"Alright everyone, settle down. We're bringing on a big client in a few months, bigger than anyone we have now." 

"Why in a few months?" Someone asks.

"His current contract still had a three month span on it and we need to be prepared to handle his affairs."


"Who is it?"

"Um, I'm not really supposed to say but, let's just say that he used to be a member of the biggest boyband in the world."

Oh fuck no.

"Why is he switching management companies?"

"He said he wasn't happy with his current company and was looking for more input in his management." He shrugs and I stare blankly ahead. Goldman hasn't looked at or acknowledged me once in this meeting and I wonder if that has anything to do with what he's just said.

The meeting continues but I can't focus to save my life. 

The whole day passes in an out of body experience type blur. Before I'm ready I find myself seated in my car in the parking garage debating on if I can even deal with going home right now.

I'm furious, more angry than I have ever been in my whole life. So angry that my entire body shakes. I have to face him, if I don't deal with this now we don't have a shot in hell of ever recovering from this. 

AN: Sorry it's been so long I got the worst writer's block for this story but I'm feeling a little more inspired now. 

What did you think about the chapter?

What about El's first day?

Is El right to be pissed?

How do you think her confrontation is gonna go with Harry? What will come of it?

Any predictions for the story?

Vote, comment and be sure to check out my new non fanfic Paper Parachute!



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