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"What time did you schedule the movers?" Harry calls from the bathroom where he's hard at work arranging his curls. They're at a weird stage that requires him to use a lot of product and hog the bathroom.

"Today at two." I reply from my place, sprawled across the bed. I have my phone held above me mindlessly scrolling through social media. "Will you be home?" I call, waiting for his response.

"Probably not, love. It's gonna be a long night at the studio I think." He appears in the doorway, leaning against it, looking as perfect as ever.

"Should I plan to come pick you up later?" I ask, knowing his creative process often includes activities that prevent him from being able to drive himself home.

"Um, I'll call you when we're done and if you're awake you can come get me, if not I can just call for a car."

"Okay." I reply and go back to scrolling my phone.

"What are your plans for the day?"

"I'll probably call Kambrie and see if she wants to go to brunch then come back here. She's supposed to help me move my stuff in, the least I can do is take her out for eggs and a mimosa."

"Take the driver. I don't want you driving if you are going to be drinking."

"Yes, Dad." I say with a smirk as he stands over the bed, bending down to find my lips with his.

"You know I just worry."

"I know." I say, returning the kiss. "Go enjoy your mushrooms." I say, sarcastically with a laugh and his eyes crinkle into a grin. He knows how I feel about his substance choices, but he knows I would never interfere, it's his life and he is always careful.

"I love you." He smiles and I pull him down to me again to kiss him.

"I love you."

"Hey!" I call to Kambrie waving as I step into the small cafe and take a seat at the table she's already gotten for us. Her long, once brown, hair is now a light shade of blonde, complimenting her already tanned skin though it's not even officially summer yet.

"Hey, El! Where's Haz? Still holed up in the studio?" She says quietly, eyeing the few other patrons in the cafe to make sure no one is listening.

"Yeah, he says he's getting a lot done. I'm ready for this album to be done and to get my boyfriend back."

"Has he told you anything about the new songs?"

"He just says it's different than the last one and warned me that most of the songs were written before we got together. He says a lot of it's sad."

"So you haven't heard any of it then?" She questions. I shake my head no.

"He's anal about making sure I don't hear any of the songs until they are done." I reply shrugging my shoulders. "But, I mean he sings in the shower so I've heard bits and pieces.

"What a dream your life is."

"Hah!" I laugh. "Haz is great, don't get me wrong and I love him to death, but he has his moments. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. Plus, my career is basically non existent right now which is definitely not my ideal situation."

"Why are you worried about it? Harry takes care of you."

"Yeah, but what if something happens? Like, say we break up."

"Not likely. You both only have eyes for each other. You literally stayed in touch for four years until you knew you had a chance to make it work. You don't do all that for someone just to break up with them."

"I guess time will tell. But I don't want to live like that. I don't want to be a freeloader in his big fancy mansion. I want to have my own thing. My own success. I want to have something that's all mine, and I want to do it on my own."

"I can understand the job thing but as far as your relationship, give me a break," she says rolling her eyes. "You guys are going to end up together. It's destiny."

I reply with only a smile, not wanting to jinx anything but hoping that she's right.

"This is the last box, Ellie. Where do you want it?"

I spin to face her and see the label telling me the box holds my record collection.

"Put it in the master bedroom. I'll organize them later. Thanks for all your help Kam."

"No problem. I still can't believe my best friend is moving in with Harry fucking Styles."

"I think he typically just goes by Haz or Harry sometimes just H, but I mean call him whatever you want." I laugh teasing her. You would think after this long Kam would have gotten used to him, she's hung out with us together many times and yet she still gets flustered.

She disappears, presumably to drop the box off before returning and falling onto the couch beside me.

"You're moving in with your megastar boyfriend and I'm just out here lonely as fuck." she grumbles. "Does Harry still talk to any of his old band mates?" she questions, her eyebrow raised.

"Not much, but he tries to check in with them every so often. Well, except for Zayn. They haven't talked in years."

"Great. Is Liam single?"

I laugh, "Nope. He just took some girl home to meet his mom recently. "


"Think he was back together with Eleanor the last I heard."

"Fuck. And Niall?"

"Think he's got something going on, on the down low." I say shooting her a frown. "Sorry."

"What about other bands? Or just friends in general? I am literally desperate. Do you know how long it's been?"

"You looking for a relationship or just some dick?" I laugh.

"At this point I'll take what I can get." She groans. "And don't laugh at my pathetic life."

"It's not pathetic. You're literally gorgeous Kam. You just have to give it time. You'll meet someone great."

"Maybe I should start visiting random playgrounds at night and hope the love of my life just shows up."

We both break into giggles at that one.

I shoot awake as I hear a thud in the bedroom. I only relax when my eyes adjust and I can see it's just Harry home from the studio. A quick glance at my phone revealing that it's after three in the morning.

"Fuck Harry, do you know what time it is?"

"I'm sorry baby." he slurs. "We were really into it in the studio I had to stay." He dissolves into a fit of giggles then. Unable to tell me what he's laughing at. I can't help it I laugh along. He falls into the bed beside me, sans his clothing that he has discarded, everywhere around the room except in the laundry bin. He reaches across the bed for me, pulling me into him. He's always cuddly when he's tripping.

"You got everything moved in, yeah?" He asks, running his fingers over my arms causing the appearance of goosebumps. I nod against his chest and he sighs kissing the top of my head.

"Please don't ever leave me." He says it quietly. So softly that I'm not sure I even heard him correctly.

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Sav 🖤

In the Open | Harry Styles | Sequel to Undercoverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن