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‖I Suggest it would be nice reading this with BTS’  “The Truth Untold” song‖

(PG version)

Y/n' s P.O.V

The cold winter air brushed my face as I ran with all my strength.
sob... Why did he have to do this? He lied!  I thought he loved me,  yet he easily gave me up for his career! I ran faster as thoughts of him ran wildly in my head.


"You must break up with your girlfriend, Park Jimin. You're joining a male K-pop group now. You must not have a non showbiz girlfriend!"
jimin's manager was so angry after jimin introduced me to him.

I just bowed my head down in shame. Jimin won't leave me right? Even if our relationship was still new, One year to be exact.

He promised that he won't let go until I told him to. So he won't, right?
Tears slowly formed in my eyes as I await his decision.

"y/n" jimin called out my name which earned my attention.

We stared at each other's eyes deeply with longing and affection. His face
slowly came closer to mine as his lips were mere inches away from mine. He stopped abruptly to look me in the eyes.

He brushed the tears from my eyes and kissed me passionately. Without thinking, I kissed back. I just noticed that the manager is gone already.

Our kiss ended and  we just stood there, staring at each other. Does this mean he chose me?

I waited for him to speak, but it seems he has difficulty to bring up his words. I decided to just ask him.

"jimin, what di--" He didn't let me finish my question as he suddenly kissed me again, this time more tougher.

His hands went down to my waist and rested there for the duration of the kiss. Our kiss lasted for a minute and we stopped to catch our breaths. I was dumbfounded when I looked at his face.

Tears. He's crying. Why?

"y/n... You are a very important person in my heart.."
He started to say sobbing between his words. "But, my career is very important to me too. This is a big break I have been waiting all this time."

Tears started to fall from my eyes as realization hit me. I already know where this is going.

"y/n, I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry. Let's just––"


I didn't let him finish his sentence. I slapped him with feelings.
That slap contained thousands of questions I did not get to ask him. Thousands of words I did not get to tell him.

And sh*t loads of disappointment I did not get to express at him.
I took my bag and wallet from the desk to leave.

“y/n, wait!” jimin called out to me but I did not let that affect me. I continued to walk.

I continued to walk faster until I was at the entrance of their studio. He caught up to me and grabbed my wrist to stop me.

I looked at him one final time. His face was filled with sadness and longing. It held words and reasons he has yet to tell me. But I did not bother to ask.

“let go”. I said to him and his grip loosened. I immediately brushed his hands off and ran to who knows where. It was snowing. The streets were brimming with joy, christmas lights everywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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