What is a proper punishment?

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Tsukasa led me to a place completely different from the comfortable hut in the meadow. In some ways, I was thankful for that. I wasn't ready to go back to a place with so many memories swarming around it. But now I was in a new area that I had to scope and find landmarks to memorize. I didn't know where the best hunting spots were, though I suppose I wouldn't need to know that for a while. Everything depended on Tsukasa at this point in time.

The new base was rough and unlike the softness of the meadow. There I would be able to comfortably lay in the grass and watch the stars. If I wanted, I could nap in the sun and feel at peace with the bright forest that surrounded me. Here...things were different.

Tsukasa had clearly been to this place before and worked to make it livable. The occasions when he would wander off must have been spent developing the area.  My new home was the side of a mountain littered with caves and giving the impression that they could all collapse on each other at any moment, but it seemed he wasn't worried about it. There was a small bridge that connected to a smaller improvised hut. It looked like he was in the process of planning to expand on the area so that a village could thrive here. Then again I should have assumed as much, he was seeking the revival fluid after all.

The first cave he brought me to must have been his dwelling. We walked along the rock to the very top of the cave system and stood in front of a single boulder that blocked the entrance. He effortlessly moved the boulder, something only he could manage, and then walked in. Inside was a bedroll of several pelts looking soft and more comfortable than anything I had slept on since my awakening. There were a few stone sconces that protruded from the rock and farther back in the cave was a very small spring. From the pleasant temperature inside the cold rock, I could tell that there must be hot springs nearby heating the place. The small spring to the left of the bed could fit about two people like a normal bathtub and was around five feet deep. Tsukasa was lucky to find a place so perfectly crafted by mother nature.

The nitric acid from the caves and the almost pure alcohol were brought to me rather quickly. After I replicated the fluid and tested it on a stone feather, Tsukasa committed it to memory and ordered me to stay in the cave, leaving me utterly alone. I dwelled on nothing but Senku and life before the petrification. I would give anything...anything in the world to wake up from this nightmare and walk to school with Senku again. But nobody listened to my prayers. I was an empty shell not worth listening to.

I was knee-deep in A dark place when Tsukasa finally bothered with me. The words he spoke suddenly woke me, and my body trembled once again in fear.

"I've allowed you to mourn enough. It's time I issue your punishment." 

I was laying on the bed facing away from him and curled around myself wishing away my existence. My eyes widened and wavered in fear once I heard the deep baritone of his voice. And the darkness that clouded my eyes faded from the edge of my vision. I wanted to be hyper-aware of his next move, so I sat up and turned to see him standing closer to me than I expected. I flinched at the proximity and he swiftly grips my hair.

"You're lucky that I found you in this stone world." He says, loosening his grip on my hair and almost caressing the strands. "If I had encountered such a poor creature as you in the modern world, your punishments would be much harsher. " he smiles too sweet to be true. And I can only hope this man of contradictions goes easy on me. He finally sits on the bed next to me and runs a lazy hand up my thighs.

"I could cut, burn, and mar your beautiful skin as much as I please." He says letting a suggestive hand run a little too high up my thigh. A small drop of warmth begins to bloom throughout my body and I involuntarily shiver. He smirks and leans in close to my ear, intimate like I'd never experienced before. His breath caresses my ear and my eyes squeeze shut. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

I don't say a thing and what little patience he has snaps in half in an instant.

His grip returns and he slams my face on the floor of the cave with a sickening CRACK! that churns my stomach. The added pain from my freshly broken nose nearly causes me to hurl but I manage to swallow it down with a shout that is quickly cut off when I bite my tongue. Deep crimson flows freely and Tsukasa seems to enjoy the sight.

"You'll do good to learn my rules quickly. But you won't have to worry about that, you're a smart girl aren't you (y/n)?"

I hold my nose and nod slowly, not wanting to incur his wrath for not giving a proper reply. A series of small whimpers leave my lips as the pain radiating from my nose becomes too much to bear. I finally break down in little sobs like a child who just scraped their knee. My shoulders begin shaking with each tear and I detest myself for my weakness.

"Good." He states, lifting his shapely hands to smear a bit of the blood from my nose up my cheek and then around my lips like some kind of sick lipstick substitute. "Quickly clean your face and then lay across my lap."

Another soft whimper leaves my throat but I don't dare take my time. I scurry to the cave spring and dip my hands in the water, bringing the liquid to my face and lightly rubbing into the sensitive skin. I repeat the motions twice and ponder a third to avoid my punishment a little longer but decide against it. Tsukasa had made it clear that he wasn't one to wait.

It was utterly embarrassing, forcing myself to lay across his lap. But my dignity was the least of my worries around this man. His palm pushes up the edge of my dress and I take a deep breath once I feel his hand leave my ass. "I want you to thank me for this gift like a good girl" he adds and I can't help but wonder how this could get any worse. Then without a warning:


And the sensitive skin of my ass is suddenly aflame. I grip his cloth and let out a sharp yelp in pain. My words escape me but he shows no mercy as he quickly brings his hand down again and harder than the last. " This will go on for as long as you allow it my sweet." He teases.


"Th-Thank you Tsukasa..."

SMACK! "Louder. I wanna hear your pretty voice scream my name."

"Thank you Tsukasa!"

SMACK! "That's more like it." I can hear the smile in his voice. He rubs along my ass for a moment in a soothing motion but soon it is replaced by the raging fire of another smack and another one. And I thank him for each one. I repeat my thanks so much that I begin to believe my words. I lost count of how many times he's brought his hand down and how many times I've thanked him for it, but soon a spark starts deep in my core.

How can I be turned on by this?

My behind was numb before he finally relented and set me upright. A sniffling mess of tears and bloody snot, I thanked him once more. When he gave me that sweet smile of approval, I couldn't stop my mind from yearning to see him smile more. His handsome face was crafted to smile.

A wave of exhaustion suddenly hit me, and I'm sure he could see it in the way my eyes slowly fluttered in and out of focus. All the pain across my body seemed to numb out further and further.

I blink once, twice, and fall limp in his arms. I blink thrice, four times, and don't blink again. Drifting in his arms somehow felt...


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