What are the fractured bones of my broken hand?

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-WARNING-This story will now contain mental and physical abuse, blood, dom/sub relationships, and non-con elements.

Yuzuhira-chan was revived now and all five of us were thriving. My chances of survival increased now that we had her around so I was thankful for that(and tried to ignore the fact there were now five of us total). 

But the dynamic of things shifted too quickly for me to notice, or rather I didn't want to notice. Like sand through small fingers, our time of peace and march towards survival together sifted past us and became nothing but a thing of the past. Through the confusion and mind games, one thing reigned true: I was going to protect Senku and his pursuit to start civilization from scratch. Tsukasa was quickly shifting from just four characters to a threat to a threat in my brother's eyes, yet I didn't want to think like this.

Senku pulled me aside one day to 'discuss' things that he was concerned about. From the corner of my eye, I knew amber was watching us. Senku did too as he pulled me out of Tsukasa's line of vision and called for my complete attention.

"I want to keep this short as to not raise any suspicion from Tsukasa." He started, seeming not too entirely convinced that he should get me involved in whatever this is. "We are defenseless if Tsukasa decides he wants things run his way, so we need to develop gun powder and quickly." He explained, leading me down a clouded path. We are too young to be thinking about war, but it seems the Stone world waits for no one.

"Gun powder? You want to make a rifle to keep Tsukasa in check?" I asked in a quick flurry of questions. "Did he hurt anybody? Why are you suspicious of him?"

Senku didn't like questions lately, He especially didn't like being questioned in this fashion. Not when time wasn't on their side. I didn't mean to cause his face to slightly twist into an annoyed expression, but I couldn't help but want a more concrete vision as to why I should be afraid of this man that swore to protect us and helped me bring back enough food for us to eat like kings.

He looks off towards the forest before he fixes his eyes back on me, "Tsukasa killed a stone man yesterday, and admitted he knew what he was doing." he revealed in one breath. "I'm afraid I can no longer trust him. Our goals currently do not align."

It takes a moment to sink in, but even then I was reluctant. Tsukasa had saved Senku, and he saved me as well with no hesitation. It was hard to see somebody so suddenly vital to our survival in a bad light. But maybe that was a problem within its own.

" I understand," I mumble a little too low for my liking. I was just...too unsure about every component of the situation. Too many variables with little control. "I'll continue as things are I guess...as to not make him suspicious." 

"That's my girl." He praises, pulling me into a sudden hug. I gasp for a moment, Senku isn't one for contact beyond what was necessary. It brought me back to the smell of woodchips and the feeling of hot tears falling mercilessly; how he would hug me and make the pain go away when I skinned my knee at the park. He was such a sweet brother to me: the most gentle person around. The Stone world won't allow me to hold his hand anymore and stay glued to his side, it was too brutal for Senku to allow it. 

But when he squeezed me it brought me back to earth, back to here and now as he spoke. " It's completely illogical to say that I'll always be with you, but you get the idea right?" We both share a chuckle at his awkward words. But I knew what he meant and that was all that mattered as we shared our sibling moment. "Dad would be so proud to see you blossoming here."

I couldn't help the tear that escaped. I hadn't thought of daddy in a while... Not when I was worried about surviving. I dared not dwell further on the fate of Dad either, for the sake of my fragile sanity. 

He pulled away with a final nod. "I will leave in the morning to start gathering the ingredients." He informs with a smile and places a hand on my head.

"Stay smart little sis."


I was supposed to be the one to stay smart?! He was lecturing me on being careful?! This was probably the single stupidest thing he could have done! Runaway and leave me with the very guy you want to protect me from?! What the hell are you thinking Senku Ishigami!

Tsukasa and I had gone out hunting not too long ago and came back to signs of a struggle. The hut was empty save for the new shattered pieces of glass and clay along with sporadic splatters of blood decorating the floor like some sort of sick crime scene rug. I was startled at first, preparing to raise hell to find my brother. But his words rung true in my ears: I will leave in the morning to start gathering the ingredients.

"Tsukasa!" I shouted and waited for him to quickly jump the prongs two at a time to enter the hut. Calculating amber takes in the scene quickly and soon glances at me to gauge my reaction. He was on edge too, so I responded accordingly and scurried outside in a panic calling for him. Screaming desperately for my brother and friends while scanning the area of the meadow for clues led me to find tracks. Tsukasa wasn't far behind and immediately bent down to study them closely. He didn't speak for a moment, too busy organizing his thoughts before taking a clear path to action. Tsukasa was careful like that, he could rival Senku in that sense.

"Stay here in case they come back." He orders, and I immediately open my mouth to protest.

"I can't stay here when my brother is in danger! It's better if I go with you! With two people, we can cover more ground and-" I tried to reason with Tsukasa using my philosophy but to no avail. He cuts me off with his razor-sharp eyes, predatory like I'd never seen before and commanding my body to freeze without a single word. His eyes flash with the quick realization of the situation he is in, and I can see the cogs quickly turn in his head. Tsukasa had a plan of his own now.

" I think it's about time you learn some obedience." He muses, lifting his hand to grip my chin and squeeze impossibly tight, not far off from breaking my jaw. He forces eye contact that shudders throughout my body, my instincts yelling and pleading to get away from this impossible man. To flee, to hide, to grovel at his feet! Anything to prevent whatever he had in store.

"Please..." I struggle out, and he gets even angrier than before yet manages to look as serene as an undisturbed pond. He lets go of me, letting me drop to the floor with only my hands catching me and holding me above the ground. Then without warning, he steps on my hand and watches when my face contorts into pure agony as he crushes the bones in my hand with just a small amount of pressure on his end.

I scream for a second but quickly bite my tongue to hold in the sound. The metallic taste of blood blossomed in my mouth.

"You do not speak unless spoken too." He says, not even bothering to look at my pathetic form curling around my hand. "Is that understood?"

"Y-Yes." I fumble out, not trying to raise the flames of his anger anymore. He takes my reply and soon darts into the forest, leaving me to lament the state of my hand. 

A deep purple with sickly lightning strikes of yellow-painted my skin. Applying the slightest pressure sent strikes of pain up my spine. A pathetic whimper escaped my mouth and I bit my tongue even harder to prevent it, but the pain was too much. After years of studying to become a doctor, I could tell with sight, pain, and a little bit of pressure that he had fractured two of my metacarpal bones.

It seemed Tsukasa was already enacting his plan. I could only hope that Senku's own plan kept him safe. If Tsukasa got ahold of him, would he...?

I Couldn't complete the thought. Instead, I slowly drag myself up the ladder and lay against the far side wall of the hut, furthest away from the entrance on the floor. And there I waited alone for Senku or Tsukasa to return, praying for his good health and hoping to god I could devise a splint good enough to help my injury.

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