Part 1

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Slumped in a coffee-stained chair, Lyla Perry's glazed eyes drifted from the TV to a familiar woman in sensible heels coming through the doorway of the Community Room. She approached a girl bundled in a hoodie and sweatpants reclining on a weatherbeaten couch.

"Can you give us a moment, Shaniece?"

Shaniece turned a quick glance toward Lyla then relinquished her seat to the doctor.

Never in a million years did Lyla imagine that she'd gladly give anything to be back at school. But compared to this...

Doctor Haden perched on the edge of the couch cushions and offered her Mona Lisa smile. Her fragrance smelled antiseptic like a hospital. In a quiet voice, she began, "How are you feeling today, Lyla?"

Lyla turned her attention back to the TV.

The doctor glanced down at the notations on her yellow legal pad.

"Have you been able to sleep?"

"Not very much."

"Has the medication been helping?"


"Helping with your anxiety. The medication can help treat your PTSD. With the proper dosage."

Lyla dropped her head.

"Psychosis associated with PTSD. Yours are textbook symptoms. Feeling like someone is following you, seeing things that others can't see, feeling as though you're being touched when no one is actually there. Isn't that what you told me?"

"I didn't say when no one is actually there. You added that."

"That's psychosis. The images and sounds can seem so vivid. So real."

Lyla lazily closed her eyes and felt no desire to open them.

"Episodes of psychosis following trauma are not unusual. PTSD is treatable. We can help you."

Lyla bit the inside of her lower lip to prevent blurting out, "Go away!"

"You're suffering the effects of severe trauma. You've lost your mother. And then you experienced the sudden death of your boyfriend. That's a lot for anyone to process. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Psychosis is a rational explanation."

Despite her best intentions to control her volume, Lyla's voice rose.

"Nothing about this is rational. And this isn't psychosis. I'm not imagining this."

After an uncomfortable pause, other patients in the Common Room returned to their activities.

In a steady, even tone, Doctor Haden said, "Keenan Ames is dead, Lyla. You need to accept that."

"I know he's dead. But he won't leave me alone."

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