Holiday cheer

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"Gray!" I said jumping up and down on my bed, "get up! It's Christmas!"

Gray quickly shot up and stared at me, "are you crazy? You are like a little kid. It's still late." He flung himself into his pillow and I dived on top of him.

"Get up! The guild is meeting up for a small Christmas party!" I reminded him. He didn't move. "Gray." I snarled.

"I'm up!" Gray grumbled, making me laugh.

"Good morning everyone!" I yelled as I flung the doors open. Everyone cheered as I walked in and jumped around. Gray just strolled in like another normal day.

"Hello love birds." Mira greeted from the bar. I smiled and bounded over to her. "Your in a good mood today!"

"Yah, cause its Christmas!" I said cheerfully. "It's only my favorite holiday! Give me a whole thing of eggnog would ya." I demanded.

Mira laughed, "oh my! You really like eggnog don't you?" I nodded and she gave me a half gallon jug of eggnog. I unsealed the lid and gulped it down.

"I have been waiting for this all year!" I said about half way through the jug. Gray was now next to me with a small cup in his hands. I poured some of my drink into his cup and chugged the rest.

Natsu and Lucy came up behind me with a friendly greeting. "Hey!" Natsu said with a smile. He had his arm resting on Lucy's shoulder. She was slightly annoyed by it but decided to ignore it.

Were they dating? I wondered. They were pretty close but I doubt they were. "Hello." I replied. "How are you two?" They both smiled and said "good." I nodded and turned back to Mira. I asked for another thing of Eggnog but Mira shook her head with a smile.

"Your going to drink our whole supply if you have anymore. Not to mention a major stomach ache."

"That's future Aurora's problem." I said stealing Gray's cup and drinking the remaining eggnog. Gray looked at me put his cup down, "you have a problem." He said. I looked at the empty things of the drink and nodded acting sad. Gray just flicked my face making me turn and flick him back.

We ended up going outside to throw snowballs at each other. After a minute most the guild ran outside and started to throw snow at everyone. We all decided to split into teams and spread through the town. Gray and I were on a team obviously. We ran through the town searching for any one else. I hid behind a wall and peeked around to see Natsu stomping about with Lucy following looking around worriedly not wanting to get hit.

"Ok listen Gray, you go to the other side of them." I said turning back around the corner. Gray nodded and ran off. I waited for him to get into position. I gave him the signal with the wave of my hand and we used our magic to make balls of snow. We threw them one after another. Lucy screamed and Natsu threw some back at us. I felt a snowball hit my neck and shatter into small bits. Turning around, I saw Erza with snow in her hand. "Run!" I yelled to Gray. "Let her take care of these two! Just don't let her tag you!" I ran as she sent Wendy after me. She would be easily out ran as I ran in quick zigzags to get her off balance.

"Aurora!" Gray called, "stop messing around! We need to get some people out." I nodded and formed another snowball and threw it at Wendy. She looked supposed as she got hit in the chest; meaning she was out. "Good girl!" Gray complemented as I caught up to him.

After another ten minutes we found another group. It was Cana and Gildarts. Their faces were serious as they looked around, prepared for anything. I pointed to them out to Gray silently and he shook his head.

"They will get us out easily. It's not even worth it." He whispered.

"Okay." I whispered back. We cautiously walked away trying to look for another group. We saw two snowballs fly past our face, "oh shit! They found us!" I turned around to see the father and daughter flinging snowballs at us. We tried to throw our own but it was no good. Gildarts used his destruction magic to shatter the snow before it could hit them. They hit our chest with the snow d were now out.

"Haha!" Gildarts said throwing another for fun. He was laughing as they ran past us looking for another group to finnish.

Gray and I went back to the hall to see that most of the groups were out. Some were just waiting for their other teammate to get out. We both sat down and I stole a thing of eggnog once again.

"I think your done." Gray said taking the jug. I glared at him, "who are you, my father?"

"You are going to get sick from all that raw egg in that." Gray said with a hint of worry. I ignored him and continued to drink. He grabbed the jug and I nearly spat it out. He stood up as I tried to grab it.

"Gray!" I pouted. "I have been waiting all year for this drink. Don't take it away from me." I tried to grab it but he put his arm in the air out of my reach. I tried to jump for it but he would just push me down. "I hate you for taking away my baby!"

"You will live." Gray said with annoyance.

I sat back down and gave up I the fight. Gray smiled with amusement as he sat next to me and messed up my hair. I flung his arm away with frustration and he pulled me tight. My arms were trapped since his arms were around me. He put his head over my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "You are my prisoner."

"No!" I said trying my hardest not to laugh. "Gray, let go." I started to laugh and Gray held me tighter. "I am going to hurt you if you don't let go!" I threatened.

"I doubt it."

I flung my head back and Gray gasped in shock as I attacked. He jabbed my sides and I screamed loudly with another laugh. "Gray! Stop, please!" I forced out of my laughter. "I'm serious."

"Are you?" Gray asked. I nodded in defeat and he let go. I jumped up just to have my knee give out. I fell to the floor wide eyed and Gray shook his head with pleasure, "good job on getting away."

I got up and sat back in the couch still laughing as I lent next to him. I felt a bad feeling and turned around to see... Erza. She was watching everything as Gray and I wrestled.

"What was that?" She asked. "No PDA in the guild hall." She said with the very slightest bit of amusement, "it's sickening." She walked away before either of us could respond. We sat there in silence as we watched Erza walk to the bar.

"She must be in a bad mood." I said, "she was confident she would win this tournament we came up with." Gray nodded in agreement.

"What's up with Erza?" Wendy asked with Lucy at her side.

"She got out probably." Gray said. He turned to me, "I just remembered. I got this for you." He pulled a box from his pocket and handed to me.

Taking it out of his hands I opened it. My heart stopped. It was a silver necklace with flowers going down one side. They led to a crystal looking like a piece of reflecting ice in the moonlit dusk. I put a hand over my mouth and stared at the beautiful piece of jewelry. Gray took the box and grasped the necklace. He placed it around my neck and clipped it. I looked down at my neck and just stared at it.

"Like it?" Gray asked with a smile. I nodded with a pounding heart. "When I saw it I just had to get it for you."

"I love it. Thank you." I said in awe. I couldn't even express my joy and thankfulness at that moment. I hugged Gray tightly and heard a few people whispering:
"That's so cute!"
"They are perfect together!"
"Isn't that just sweet"

"I will cherish this forever." I whispered. I kissed Gray passionately on the lips for about a minute. We pulled away for a breath and he quickly kissed my nose and we sat in happy silence as our heads touched with our eyes closed.

"I love you."

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