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Math Teacher: blah blah Math words blah blah

Me: *takes out blue highlighter*

Fang: what are you doing *dear?

Me: *shows thumb that now has a big blue arrow drawn on it* My thumb is the Avatar.

Fang: Annika I love you but sometimes you are wired.

Me: thanks honey!

Math teacher: Annika what is on your thumb?

Me: My thumb is the Avatar!

Math Teacher: ..........okay? *goes back to speaking Math*

fang: I think you creeped him out.

Me: Of Course I did! *wiggles thumb* wee!

Fang: I am so glad nobody can see me!

ken: same here!

Fang: where's Tyson?

Me: I kicked him into next week!

Fang: oh good!

*later at Lunch*

Me: *pulls my lunch bag out of locker*

Fang: What's in the bag?

Me:Its, um, diapers for the little ones.

Fang: What?!

Me: Dorsal fins and cucamonga.

Fang: *turns to Ken* what did she say?

Me: WE HAVE BEEN GILMORED! *walks down the hallway*

Fang: You ask a simple question! *follows me*

Me: *eating a bag of chips*

Fang: What's that?

Me: These are not chips. These are farfignugen sugen dugen.

Fang: *grabs bag* this is for being cocky!

Me: Heeeeeeeyyyyyyyy! Give them back! *grabs bag and runs*

Fang: I know where you live and where all of your classes are!

Me: Yeah but you are not getting these farfignugen sugen dugens.

fang: She has got to stop watching Gilmore Girls!

*Have you ever watched Gimore girls? If you have what episode are the lines I said in this chapter from? Comment the title in the comments!*

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