💧This is Bubbles Gracer💧

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A blue alarm clock ringed through the silence of the Gracer residence.
The tired blonde turned off her alarm, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes. She sat up to see her pet snake sleeping next to her. She smiled and petted the animal, earning a satisfied hiss.

"C'mon Poppy. I'll go and feed you." The girl smiled and sprung up from her bed. She went to her vanity and brushed her hair, putting it into two high pigtails. She smiled at herself in the mirror and picked up a perfume bottle and sprayed herself with the blueberry scent.

She walked to her closet to open the doors and pull out her uniform. She giggled on how pretty it looked and changed.

‘I still have to thank mom for helping me dye the dress blue and put light blue polka dots on the sleeves.’ she smiled as she was done with her uniform. She grabbed a black headband and slid it through her hair to keep the bubbles invisible.

She jogged downstairs to see her mom no where in sight. She called out to her mother but with no answer. She sighed and walked to the kitchen to find a note on the refrigerator.

“ Dear sweetie,

I had to leave for work early. So you're going to have to leave earlier to get to the bus. The cereal is in the second top cabinet and the milk is in the top shelf of the fridge. Your lunch for school is in the microwave. And please feed Poppy enough since I won't be back until tommorow morning.

Have a great day at school Bubbles!


Bubbles sighed as she read the note. She glared at it and it caused it to burst into flames. She smiled at herself and continued on with her day. She got out the ingredients where her mother told her it would be.
She poured the milk and the cereal into a pastel blue bowl and began eating.
She went to get another scoop but saw that her cereal spelled out a word. She frowned at the sight of it.


She tried to ignore it and ate the last three pieces. She drank the milk and put the bowl in the sink to wash the remaining dishes. The whole time thinking about a memory.


"Daddy!" Yelled a cheerful girl, running towards her father. Her dad smiled at her, letting his golden strands blow in his face because of the wind.

"Can I go play with the doggy?" The little girl pleaded, begging her father to come with her. The male smiled and patted his daughter's head.
"Let's just wait till your mother gets back from work." He calmly said, looking up at the blue sky.

"But that will take forever! Please! You can come with me!" She beamed, tugging her father's sleeve. He bit his lower lip but smiled once more.
"Alright. Just give me a second to gather me belongings." He said. The little girl cheered with joy, thanking her father.

"I'll go wait by the tree!" She pointed at the Apple tree that was in the distance.
"Okay but not too far kiddo."
"I won't!" She smiled and skipped towards the tree. But she soon slowed down due to not much energy.
She regained herself to stand up and walk around the tree. Examining the textures and the smell of nature.

‘Daddy should hurry. It's getting dark..’ she thought, shivering form the cold. She waited for a little longer, to see that dark clouds were beginning to close the sun and the sky.

"Daddy?" She called out, searching for her father. She walked back towards their picnic blanket, to see the basket is still there with her dad's wallet and car keys. She whimpered but continued the search in the semi darkness.
The wind caught up, getting stronger by the minute. Making it hard for Bubbles to walk any further. But she tried.

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