Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction 2

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"If that's how it is, I will get you in. You can't fail with me as your teacher.", he says with assurance. Eyes gleaming wide and smile plastered on his face he pats my head. I'm feeling fuzzy all over and started blushing.
I don't know how to trust a man who did that to me but...

Anyway I've taken my first step towards to Stella Mary's University.


"Wow. All C's. Good job!", he says.

"Told ya. When I actually bother to try, it's a piece of cake.", I said grinning at him.

"Don't get too carried away now" he says.

"Carried away with what? I'm just this good.", I stick out my tongue. Or so I said but Harry's teaching was way better than in my school.

"Lucky is going to be thrilled, I'm sure. I want to get you passed and want to see him smile.",he smiles to himself thinking about the thought.

"Do you love him so much?", I blurt out.

"What's all of this, all of a sudden?", He asks curiously.

"I'm asking if you love him", I ask without meeting his eyes.

"You have nothing to worry about. It's completely one-sided. The book you read was just my fantasy.", He says cooly.

"But, you know he has a girlfriend, right?

"Yeah, I know. Being beside the one you love is one of the privileges of being a friend",he says.

I turn around to look at him from my chair. "If you really love him, you should just shove his girl out of the picture and make yourself as his number one." I say.

"He means the most to me. I don't want him to hate me"

Recently I've begun to realise that Harry never does anything that Lucky wouldn't like. He treats him gently and preciously, as if he were a jewel. But Lucky just sees him nothing more than a good friend. Even so he's earnest and blindly devoted to him.
What an idiot. It's only gonna hurt in the end.


Whoa! Awe-awesome! Such a dramatic increase in such a short time. I look at the result sheets in my hands. All B's (dab). Maybe I really am a genius. I want to see Harry. He'll praise me for it, I know.

Wait a second. What did I just think. 'I need to tell Harry. I want to see him.'

What! Lucky should be the one I should be showing this to. No! No it's not true!
"I..I do not like men!!!!" I literally shout those words aloud. God! Great, everyone is looking at me now!

"What are you doing here?", A familiar voice asks.

I turn around to see Harry with a bag in his hands. He was wearing a trench coat with a white tee and some black jeans ripped at the knees. His face looked sun-kissed with the sunset.

"I was....I .." I stumble on my words.

He cuts me off," Good times we ran into each other. Let's go home together. I bought cake"

He handed me over the bag which held the cake. "Today is Lucky's birthday?"
OMG. I forgot that. "You didn't know that?" He asks me.

"I remember..", I lie. "I got this today", I hand in the paper to him.

He suddenly starts laughing. He pats my head. "What are you doing!" I say blushing.
"Good job!". Why is my heart pounding? Harry only praised me because Lucky would be happy. Sadness washes over me thinking about it.

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