I looked up at Alyssa and said, "It's a poster."


"For the school dance."

"That's right."

A brief moment of silence passed between us. I had no idea what Alyssa was trying to tell me. "And so? Why did you give me this poster?" I asked, confused.

"Why?! Are you kidding me?! I have to tell you why?! Emma! It's a dance! Use your head a little, would you?!" Alyssa exploded with annoyance. "I still don't understand." I deadpanned. And I really didn't. It's a dance. Does she want me to make her a dress or something?

"If you want a dress, I could always make one for you. It's no big deal. Really." I said, looking down at the poster once again. The dance was 2 weeks away. I had plenty of time to make a dress for Alyssa and myself. Hopefully.

But... that wasn't what Alyssa meant.

Alyssa gripped my shoulder and shook me back and forth violently, exclaiming, "Emma! You can ask Alan to go with you! It's the perfect chance to get closer to him!"



That's what she was getting at...

"Y-You're joking! T-There's no w-way I could ever ask Alan! W-Why would you e-even suggest that?!" I stuttered, my face turning redder by the second. But Alyssa wasn't having any of it. Not today, apparently. "You never know until you try, Emma." Alyssa huffed, folding her arms and turning away from me.

"I'd rather save myself the embarrassment. I don't even know if he likes me like that!" I muttered softly, letting out a small sigh. "Come on, Emma! I know he'll say yes! Just trust me. And even if he doesn't, I'll just knock a little sense into him for you!" Alyssa said with a smile. Times like these were really when I appreciated having such a great best friend.

I chuckled and caved in. "Alright, alright! I'll think about it." There was no reasoning with Alyssa when she sets her mind on something.

"Nope! You're definitely going to do it! I'll be waiting to hear the good news." Alyssa declared, determination shining in her eyes. She was definitely more optimistic about this than I was. "There's no guarantee that he'll say yes. And there's no way you can force him to go with me, too." I replied dryly. However much I hated to admit it, it was the truth. I wouldn't want to force Alan to do something he doesn't want to. If he comes to the dance with me, I want it to be of his own free will.

"Don't be such a wet blanket! It'll be fine. I'm sure you can do this. Everything will go just as planned." Alyssa reassured me, eyes twinkling with excitement. "Now, get up. We have to get to class."

Alyssa extended a hand to me, pulling me to my feet. I dusted myself off and headed towards the school. Alyssa looped her arm around my shoulder again, sighing happily. "I can't wait to see you and Alan together, dancing on the dance floor! That would be a dream come true!" I chuckled and replied, "Assuming he says yes... But yeah, it would be nice..."

A comfortable silence passed between us as we walked towards the school together.

"I still haven't forgiven you though."

"Oh, come on!"

Alan's POV

"Alan! Come down! I need to talk to you for a second!" Alyssa called up the stairs.

I sighed and ignored her, kneeling down to pack my bag. "Are you sure you should be ignoring your sister?" Plagg asked, "She won't be happy about it."

Book 1: New RevelationsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant