Tobe finally sighed, his decisions made. “Right I’ve made my decisions.”

“And?” Lydia asked with a raised brow. “How did you do it?”

“According to surnames.”

“WHAT?!” Raja yelled, his eyes wide in fear.


“Woah!” Dae-yang and Raja said together in awe, their gazes glued to the rural-themed interior of the gigantic room that was in front of them.

“They really do love their animals,” Silver muttered, his fingers slowly tracing the miniscule elephants that were carved into the wooden doorframe. “I wouldn’t mind living here,” he said as he walked into the room.

Kimi raised his head and looked at the handprints that were painted onto the room’s silver walls in shimmery golden paints. The way the handprints looked made it seem like everyone in Ashville had placed their paint-coated hands against the wall, marking it as their own.

Kimi sighed and tugged the straps of his backpack as he walked into the room. His gaze was instantly drawn to the huge strawberry-shaped bulb that was fixed into the ceiling. It casted a warm light on them, and bounced off the handprints, creating a reflection of them against the rug.

Silver walked in last and politely shut the door that was left ajar. The sight of five, large canopy beds made him shudder in disgust and fear. He gasped and rushed to wrap himself in his arms, his eyes darting from one corner of the room to the other, like his nightmarish past will suddenly lunge at him out of a hidden corner. He swallowed thickly.

“Woah, this people sure know how to fucking take care of their guests,” Raja said happily, his hands dancing through the transparent, printed curtain of the bed, a toothy smile on his face.

“They sure do,” Silver said, his voice coming out small and cracked.

Dae-yang nodded in agreement and jumped onto one of the beds with her back. She sprawled herself on the bed and sighed in comfort. “This. Is. Life.” She started squealing as she rolled from side to side, sticking her nose in the bedspread that smelled like vanilla.

“Annoying,” Kimi grumbled under his breath at her happy squeals and then walked to the bed closest to the window.

When he got to the bed, he just dumped his bag onto the floor and pulled down the hood of his sweatshirt. He knotted his eyebrows in thought and observed every nook and cranny of his corner.

Those things better fucking not come near me, he thought as he lunged at the bed and crazedly tugged the neatly tucked bedspread out of the bedframe.

Raja and Dae-yang exchanged sceptical looks and turned to watch Kimi as he threw pillows off the bed and over his shoulders, his frown deepening with each second. Silver worriedly stared at him, his eyebrows drooped in concern for his cousin.

“Uh...” Raja raised a brow and turned to Dae-yang, his eyes asking her for answers.

She simply placed a finger to her lip, a warning look in her eyes. Raja rolled his eyes, sighing as he shifted his attention to unpacking his bags. He didn’t want to get into another fight with Kimi.

Silver placed a hand to his chest—a sigh escaping his lips—as he walked lightly to Kimi’s seething form. He did a hopeful preparation in his mind and cleared his throat to get his attention.

The muscles in Kimi’s shoulders tightened tensely, and he looked over his shoulder, squinting at Silver. “What?” he hissed through his teeth, his eyes dark in anger.

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