World of Darkness chapter 2

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'My dear, look at out daughter. She is such a beauty.' says the queen. 'Yes, queen. But you have to go to work. Leave the baby to the maids.' says the king with a stern look on his face. 'But I delivered a baby I can't work. And with that...' Sklaaachh the king throws a vase at his wife. She couldn't dodge because her baby was in the way. The king yells 'GOO NOW!!'. The queen whispers to her baby 'It's your fault I've been hit. I'll pay you back for that one.' than leaves to wash the blood of her face. 'You're mother is evil. That's why she became the queen, plus her father has a high social status. She was forced to marry me. Like very married women in this Kingdom.' than leaves the king.
Skrieee..... The door opens the door. 'You are my sister and I'm your older brother. I'm Cain.' says a boy with dark hair and black eyes. He pulls out a sharp knife and put it underneath the pillow of his sister. 'You'll need this if you want to survive.' 'Cain, you little brat where are you!! Get right here before I'm going to beat the shit out of you.' 'I have to go now otherwise.....' 'CAIN!!!!' Cain runs out of the room towards his maid.
4 years later, Dilayla and Cain are in a royalty lesson.
'This world is completely made of pure Darkness. We you our magic to control the moon. And our women marry because they are forced to and and the relationship between husband and blablabla blablabla.' tells the teacher while walking across the room. Cain fell asleep and Dilayla was watching out of the window. 'Prince Cain and princess Dilayla pay attention! Alright here we go the relationship between brother and sister will break after your tenth anniversary and...' 'That's not true my sister and I will be best friends forever.' says Cain immediately. 'Cain, just leave him be.' says Dilayla 'Your sister is 3 years younger and twice as wise as you prince.' says the teacher happily. 'Sister why did you do that?' 'Because if he goes on we can sleep better.' answers Dilayla with a smile on her face. 'That's true sister. Teacher go on than can we sleep.' orders Cain. 'What... why..' begins the teacher. 'Go on or your black lion food.' says Dilayla with a scary calm smile on her face. 'Of course my princess.' answers the teacher and goes on.
this is the violent part.
Good luck

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