Chapter 1

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Bravery is not defined by the absence of fear, but by the courage one has to continue onward when drowning in their own greatest fears.

Despite your greatest fears, continue forward.

-Noah Centineo , 3.14.20

I stare out the window of the Chevy, trying to pay attention as Aunt Carol chatters away about the poetry slam she is dragging me to.  All I wanted was to spend the summer writing poetry and binging Netflix in my room. But after the 12th day of never leaving the house, Aunt Carol nagging finally wore me down. I was convinced to step out into civilization. 

I don't mean to complain about Aunt Carol. I'm actually really grateful she is letting me stay with her for the summer. Things haven't been so great at home ever since Mom died and Dad found a new girl. Not a woman, but a girl. With a back tattoo. 

We walk into the sparsely crowded old cafe, where several old ladies sat sipping tea and listening to Barbara from across the street recite a winded poem about her garden. Oh boy, this is gonna be a loooong night. We find our place in a corner and I get ready to tune in. But after the fourth poem about cats and their lovable qualities, I began to nod off. 

My eyes began to close when a deep, husky voice filled the room. My eyes shot open, and searched curiously for the source. Finally they reached the stage in front, and instead of an elderly woman hobbling on stage, my gaze met two piercing blue orbs staring right back at me. I couldn't believe who they belonged to... was I dreaming? it couldn't be...

Noah Centineo. 

The famous and dreamy actor from all those Netflix movies I've been binging all summer. I immediately recognized the swirling brown locks falling just over his eyes. The sweet smile, the perfectly white teeth flashing in my direction. He had on a casual sweater, but he couldn't hide those rippling muscles. I felt my self automatically blush under his gaze. 

"Erm Hey Everyone. I'm Noah. Thanks for having me back," Noah stuttered shyly. 

The elderly women clapped and cheered enthusiastically. Huh, he must come here often I guess. 

"This one is a new piece I've been working on. It's a little rough around the edges, but its me". 

His eyes flickered around the room but would always settle on me. I leaned forward in anticipation. He began. 

The cameras flash. Blinding my eyes. Blinding my soul. 

A random instagram model whose name I don't know on my arm. She knows my publicist though.  

The crowds swarm and close in on me. I can't breathe. I'm suffocating. 

Under the expectations. Under the pressure. To be Peter. To be Jamey. To be Brooks. To be Jesus. 

But what about Noah? Does anybody want to know him? Does anybody even care?

When he finished, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. His eyes never left mine. He looked shaken and quickly stepped off the stage as the applause filled the room. 

"That was beautiful. Do you know that young man Hazel?" Aunt Carol questioned. I shook my head no. I didn't, but I wanted to. 

Hey Guys! Let me know what you guys think! This is only my second fanfic!! Will be updating every week :)))

Summer Love (An Emotional Small Town Romance) ~NOAH CENTINEO~Where stories live. Discover now