Chapter two

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I watch my clock on the night stand beside my bed. The dull red numbers read 4:17, and I was wide awake, given up on trying to sleep hours ago. I've been staring at the clock since 1:09, the memories fighting to be refreshed in my head, refused to let me sleep. Not like I haven't had a well rested night in months anyway. That and the light thumping of the rain on the window keeps me conscious.

Felling the shiver slide over my body, I pull my covers closer to me, indulging in its warmth and comfort, wishing that I could somehow wrap it around my heart to melt the ice wall that I've placed there to protect me.

That's what I get. I let someone get too close to me, I cared to much for him, only to leave me chilled and covered in a block of ice that cannot be unthaw. I've become a bitter, hateful brat that my family have and myself have known to dislike.
The good thing is Emma is still by my side. Even thought I've tried to push her away, she stayed because she understood. She gives me my space when I really need it, but when I don't she's there, and I'm grateful for that twit.

I rub my dry eyes with the back off my palm, trying to make sure I haven't permanently blinded myself. Nope, not blind yet. Can't help but wish I was, seeing as black has become my new favorite color. It's dark and empty, like me. Like the rebellious teen I've become. The demon trapped inside of me, having no way out, lives in an nice comfy wooden lodge. Not wanting to leave the disaster that I've become, but making it worse.

She died along with him. When he drew his last breath, her heart stopped and that's when there was an empty body to be claimed, and the demon claimed it. That makes me who I am now. Not regretting it.

As soon as I hear the rain stop, I emerge from the warmth of my cover and to my closet. Silently, I slip my curvy body into black skinny jeans, a black long sleeved v-neck. Along with my leather jacked and black boots.

Heading downstairs I search the living room, tiptoeing my way around the furniture that I've come to know my way around, as it hid in the darkness. This has become my every night routine for me. A yawn escapes my mouth, and as soon as I feel it I fight to push it away.
Yes, I am aware of my exhaustion, do I care, ask the demons inside. I wouldn't if I were you. There should honestly be a 'caution' sign taped to my forehead, because one wrong word to me will be your last. Some people never seen it coming. Not my problem.

Once, I'm safely out my door and into the humid air I let out a weary sigh. I march down to the sidewalk, still wet with fresh rain. At 4:30 in the morning it's still pitch black, the street light dimly lighting circles in the slick pavement surrounded by, once again, the evil darkness that in filled with.

I'm the only figure out at this time and thats good for me. I walk with my hands deep in my pocket, calmly playing with the lent that I found in there. Even though no one is out, I still keep my head low. The only people probably able to see me would be the birds that are just waking up and warming up their voices with sweet chirps and angelic singing that I find peaceful, yet annoying.

The walking for the past hour has strengthened my body, yet, draining my small tub of energy. Yawns come and I give up on fighting them like I gave up on finding the mates to my socks in the laundry. The sun is just peaking into this side if the earth, but not adding much light yet.

The sound of crunching rocks makes me walk faster. The sound gets closer, while I realize its a car approaching me. The reason I speed up is the opposite of the fact that I don't know who it is. I know exactly who it it, so I stop . If I ran Emma wouldn't hesitate to run me over.

In my peripheral vision I seen Emma's car pull up beside me. I cross my arms over my chest, no doubt she wants me to get in, but I remain standing, staring straight ahead. I can feel her eyes burn endless holes into my cheek. I wonder of she's figured out how to stare into my soul and say hello to the demon who lives there. Im thinking about naming him. How does Tim sound?

Without a word between either of us, I enter the car, not forgetting to slam the door. I hear Emma sight.

"You break my door, I break your ass." She cranky. I don't see why, she's a morning person. Everyday at 7:00 what's two hours earlier to her.

I wait for her to pull off, but instead, she shuts if the engine. I throw my head back on the seat because I know where she's going. She knows what day it is. I hear the click as she locks the door. Great now I'm really trapped.

"Can I just get some sleep?" I ask her as calmly as I can bare.

She knows what I'm doing. The car purrs as she turns the key, and it vibrates. She doesn't drive, she only looks at my shaking hands. "I'm sorry." She whispers.

"For what? Why does everyone say that! I'm tired if hearing that. Why do you even care Emma, everyone else has given up on me. I don't even exist to my mom and you say I'm sorry." I spit at her. Soon after, guilt spills into me. Basically, eating me alive.

Emma doesn't look at me. It's to late to take back what I said but she knows I didn't mean to do that. She's seen me through these months, it's nothing new to her. This is when I feel like taking the monster I am and strap her into the hood of a car, light it in fire, push it off a cliff, and into a sea of sharks.

"I promised your brother I would watch after you, and I promised myself. Your my sister Lyric. We've been best friends for eternity now and if I let you go then there's no one here for me or your brother." Her hands hold a tight grip into the steering wheel, nails digging into the padding surrounding it.

"She's dead Emma."

Her head shakes, trying not to believe the truth I tell her. If Lyric was still here, then who am I. Unexpectedly, Emma pulls off. I try to ignore her, pretend I didn't hear her when she mumbles to herself, "please bring her back."

I'm crushed by the comment because as much as I care about her, there is no way Lyric is coming back. Justin made sure he took her with him. He took me.


Been a while since I updated for this story, I had no clue what to write about so I just kind of winged it. Is it good/bad. It was ok to me but better chapters are coming.

Go check out my friend Emma's book, yup same Emma that's my friend in this story. She new to writing just like me but I think you should give it a read. It an Ashton Irwin Fan fiction called:

Deja vu

Go read it and follow her at Emmalunaknight.

Bye people do me a favor and go be weirdos for a day, it will make you happy.

Comment/vote... Go eat a pizza, look at a pineapples, makes weird friends(I did), kiss your crush, don't drink apple juice and drive, always pee on a cactus, wave at creepy cats, dance in your underwear to shake it off, and be happy. Byeeeeeee

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