Sometimes The Hardest Thing

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Is learning all you know is wrong.


Experiment: Ry-20-8-9-1-14

date: 18/39/12879

project: Enderborn

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Magical connection: High

Ender Transformation Resilience(ETR): Low

Punishments Acquired:

•Ender Pearl Shattering inside the mouth: effect: Black scars along his mouth and jaw. (addendum: needed tooth repair and jaw realignment.)

•Blood Transfusion increase: due to his disobedience, we have chosen to administer Two extra transfusions a day. In doing this his mind has become a mess to the point that can't decide what he is doing anymore.

•Internal Organ shredding: REDACTED


18 pg of tortu--- Punishments to go. Continue?


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Doctor Shreves Notes.

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Sometimes pain could be seen as a baptizing force. Cleansing weakness from the body.

To break oneself is a path to self-betterment, Self-improvement.

However, this is not one of the moments where this could be used.

We were not bettering ourselves, we were torturing and improving another...

Constant improvement.

From the blood of the patient being transformed. To the drugs constantly slow and diminishing his ability to use magic.

It's a slow process. But science has always been a slow and tedious process. I find that seeing this test subjects life has not yet faded to be a good sign.

End of document.



File 829 research on amplified teleportation.

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It's terrible what teleportation does to the human body when not accustom to it.

Subject R has lost his left arm and leg. Forced genetic regrowth required.

I can't wait too see what he looses next.

However we must be careful. Too much energy and he could be sent out of our dimension. Too little and well. Human confetti.

If all things go according to plan. We will have the first enderborn to ever exist. The first creature to be made of another genetic code. Yet be one of use. Losing him is a thing we simply cannot have.

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Eyy its ya boi, back at it again. It's not much but I added some more plot to this. I have a plan but it takes a bit to figure out. Have fun. Stay safe. Don't get sick. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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