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A/N: Hey guys! I know people don't like author's note so I'm sorry but I've been busy doing things and now that I have time to write I would like to ask if there's anything you would like me to include in this story or any ideas! My insta is @yangsanatcmy :)

Christina's POV:

 As I get into a taxi to go to Meredith's house I try to compose myself together and not break down in the taxi. 

When we arrive to her door it's already pretty late, I check my phone 2:15am, hopefully I don't wake up Zola. I ring the doorbell and I see Derek coming down the stairs all groggily, he opens the door and says "Christina what do you need?" "Can you get Meredith for me" trying to not let any emotions in my voice show or looking at him. "Christina it's 2 in the morning, she's sleeping." I look up to him with tears filling my eyes "Please Derek", he lets out a soft sigh and lets me in. "I'm going to get Meredith."

Derek's POV:

"Mer, Christinas downstairs." she responds with a yawn and says "Why? It's 2 in the morning." "I don't know" "Ok, I'll go see." she says tiredly.

Christina's POV:

I see Meredith coming down the stairs and I wipe away my tears quickly. "Christina what's wrong" she said tiredly, "Owen cheated on me" I said in a hoarse whisper. She looked at me with wide eyes and  yelled "What" "Meredith your gonna wake up Zola be-" "Christina Yang don't you dare tell me to be quiet, what the fuck did he do" "He cheated on me, cause I aborted our baby" as I say breaking down. "Christina I will tell Derek to go down there and beat his ass" I soft laugh and then look at her with tears filling my eyes "Meredith, I didn't abort, I kept the baby." 

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