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'Are you sure you don't want to come with Matt and I to the cinema tonight?' Paige's muffled voice said through the phone.
She didn't seem to understand the concept of FaceTime. She'd spent most of the half an hour we'd been on the phone showing me more of the ceiling than her actual face. We may as well have just been having a regular phone call.
It also didn't help that she was currently stuffing her face with Oreos. Normally I'd never stand in the way of a woman and chocolate biscuits but not whilst I was trying to make sense of what she was saying to me.

'As much as I would love to be a third wheel to the happy couple, I've got plans with Lindsay.'

After what had happened at school today, I was even more excited for a chilled evening in, eating takeaway pizza and watching the princess diaries.

'Well the offer still stands if you change your mind. We're going to see this new documentary that came out last week about fossils. The reviews sound amazing!'

Wow. I was practically jumping up and down to go now...

'Thanks Paige, I'll let you know if I do.' I tried to say it with as little sarcasm as possible but I just couldn't help myself. Thank god Taliah burst through my bedroom door as I was about to get a lecture about needing to broaden my mind.

'What do you think of this dress?' Taliah said barging her way in to stand in front of my floor length mirror. She was wearing a fitted black dress that looked like a million other dresses she had but I knew she wouldn't give up until I said something other than it looks nice.

'You look great. Is it new?'

'Yeah it is. I got it from this little independent store that makes cute unique dresses like this.'

Taliah ran her hands over the fabric lovingly as I tried to see the 'unique' that she apparently saw. It really did look like your average LBD.
'Is it too try hard though?' She said frowning at me in the reflection of the mirror.

I wanted to show as much interest and enthusiasm as Taliah clearly thought the dress deserved but I never have and never will share the same passion for clothes as she does.

'The dress is gorgeous there's no doubt about that. Tell me if I'm wrong though but I thought this party was a little more on the causal side? What do you think Paige?' I said deflecting onto her so I could get a break from Taliah's scowling. I flipped the screen so Paige now had a view of Taliah.

After a few seconds of silence Paige gave her verdict.
'Hmmm very nice.'

Ahh shit.

'Paige, I need more than that!' Taliah said rolling her eyes and planting her hands on her hips.

'Well what do you want me to say? It looks like a black dress. You know fashion isn't my thing. I wear the same 5 outfits on rotation.'

Taliah took a deep breath and pinched her nose in frustration.
'I don't know why I bother asking you two. Although I think you're right about the casual thing Evie. Jeans and a cute top it is.'

Taliah stomped out my room as my phone beeped with a missed call for the millionth time this afternoon.

I heard Paige take a sharp intake of breath pulling my attention from the notification back to her.
'Is he still trying to call you?'

'He is yes.'

'Wow. You can't knock the boy for trying. Are you going to answer him?'

'No! He ignored me for weeks. Let's give him a taste of his own medicine.'

'Hmm.' Paige said before falling silent again.

'What does Hmm mean?'

Paige stayed silent for a few seconds and I could tell she was debating whether or not to say what she was thinking.
'Ok..don't bite my head off. Don't you think you should hear him out at some point? That's what you said to me when Matt and I had our hiccup.'

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