ABHI: so as I have promised that I'll be you forever so here I am fulfilling my promise and will be staying with your.

Those words gave peace to her heart,but reality was different.

PRAGYA: can you explain me clearly. I don't understand, you know...

ABHI: I know you are confused *abhi cupped her face* but the truth is that I love you and I can't live without you. I am at peace when I am with you but without you I am restless. And I am so selfish, so I am here with you to get my peace. I want to be with you whole my life. I never loved you to lose you at the end of the day. I have loved you so that I can be with you all my life. And about my engagement and anything it's gone,see

Abhi showed her his hand where his engagement ring was not there.

PRAGYA: how.....I mean......

ABHI: let me explain.....


ragini and tanu were in a room

TANU: why the hell aren't you keeping your promise. Your son... he is so........I don't know what to say. He doesn't talk to me. That day when we went for dinner, I don't know what he saw but ran like a maniac and didn't even returned. He is not at all showing interest in me. Look  at me, I am a girl of every man's dream. Your son doesn't look at me also.

RAGINI: love is a connection between two hearts and his heart is connected to the girl he loves, not with you. Why are you not understanding that abhi doesn't love you nor he will be loving you in the future. You cannot beg for love. Just leave my son's life.

TANU: If i say I won't. *she laughed evily*  remember you are not going to tell me what I have to do and what not, i am the one who will tell you what to do and what not.

RAGINI: why don't you leave.you know you can never be happy like this than why. Why are you spoiling so many lives.

TANU: cut the crap I don't want to hear anything. Listen what you have to do next.

RAGINI: I am not going to do anything. I have hurted my son so much. now i am not going to do it again.i will break this engagement and reunite my son with his love.

TANU: can you? remember if you went against me. the son for whom you are fighting with me will not be there. 

ragini closed her eyes with helplessness.

TANU: you can't go against me I will destroy your son's whole career.

RAGINI: please don't do this. it's his life. music is his everything.

suddenly they hear a clap sound and was shocked to see the person who entered the room.

ABHI: wow, just simply wow.

TANU: abhi 

ABHI: what enmity do you have with me. i haven't seen you anywhere nor i have any contact with you then why? you say you love me but, i don't see love anywhere. the only thing i can see is selfishness. now as i know what was going on. i free you from this engagement. leave before i lose my temper.

TANU: dare you mess with me.

RAGINI: please son, she will....

ABHI: no mom she won't do anything. you can never pull me down. she just giving us empty threats. i am there and nothing is gonna happen. i am not afraid of anyone.

RAGINI: you are right.don't be afraid of anyone. i don't know what happened to me.

Ragini moved towards Tanu and slapped her. 

RAGINI: leave before you get more insulted

TANU: i will see you all.

with that tanu left from their lives.

RAGINI: I sorry son.I don't know what got in me and i fell for her threats.i am so sorry.

ABHI: why are you saying sorry i should be the one who had to be sorry. i should have talked to you. i love you.

RAGINI: i love you too. now wipe your tears and run to your girlfriend's home and bring her home this evening. it's my order.

abhi felt so happy and hugged his mother and ran to pragya's home.

flashback ends  

PRAGYA: that means she blackmailed your mother. how come some people be so cunning.

ABHI: ohh god, it's over now. you still thinking about her. i didn't expect this.

PRAGYA: why are you being grumpy. i was just curious that how can a person do...

ABHI: it's not the time to talk about her.we've met after 3 long weeks and you...

PRAGYA: *littile irritated' why the hell are you emphasizing three long weeks.

ABHI: oh god where i have landed myself into.

PRAGYA: what did you  *keeping her hands on his hips*

ABHI: i am saying we should celebrate now

PRAGYA: how  *with confusion in her eyes*

ABHI: how does two lovers celebrate

with saying that he stood up and opened his hands and shouted " I LOVE YOU, PRAGYA"

pragya got up shouted with equal intensity "I LOVE YOU,ABHI" 

and hugged each other and kissed each other passionately.

with the meeting of two souls again. the sky poured its love in the form of rain.

abhi removed his jacket and covered both their heads embracing the life ahead.


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