une (one)

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..And I miss him. I miss his voice which always had love for me, his sexy cologne, his touch which gave me goose bumps on my body, his deep blue eyes, his so perfect nose, his always shining bright teeth, his so effective smile which melted the hearts of every woman who lays an eye upon it. I miss him every second, every minute, every hour, and every day even though it is not even a day after I had seen him. I can’t study, sleep, eat, or do anything I would have done if everything was normal...all I do is think about him and how he must be with his new girlfriend. The one he proposed in front of the whole college and the one whom he had kissed in front of all of them and the one whom he asked to marry him without even breaking up with me.

Everything was so perfect. I loved him. And he loved me too. We have known each other since our childhood and I love him from the day I saw him. He was so cute and so perfect back then too and I fell in love with his from the moment I saw him. 

We were in a park where I had come with my mom and he came with his mom. When I was moving towards his mom as my mom was friends with his, I heard a noise of children fighting and I saw him, a small kid of 5 years, trying very hard to stop the fight. He could not stop the fight but he ended up getting hurt. I felt so bad. I felt as if I myself had got hurt. I could not control my tears and my mom was staring at me. His mom was cleaning his would and he was just looking at me. As soon as his mom ended up cleaning him, he came to me running and started wiping my tears "Shhh... don’t cry... don’t cry... its okkk... I am ok... don’t cry cute girls like you should never cry" and these were his first words which made me fall in love with him at that very moment.

How I miss those days. We went to the same school, had almost all the same classes, and spent our weekends at my place or his. We were the "IT-COUPLE" in the school Issabella and Edward. He never really proposed me because he and I both of us knew that if he did I would never say no to him. I never said no to him for anything and even when I tried, he used his puppy dog eyes to make me say yes. Every couple wanted to be like us. We had the perfect school life great friends, good grades, and most importantly each other. Every girl was jealous of me and envied me.  They were desperately waiting for our breakup which never happened in school. Many guys who had crush on me tried to threaten him to break up with me but he never got scared. 

They thought he was dating me only because I was rich. But the fact they didn't know was that he was even richer and I knew this because we were family friends. His family never showed off their wealth. They lived quite a very simple life, unlike my parents who were always either working or attending any social function to show off. We never had any other problems in our relation. Our parents had no problem with us hanging around with each other. They kind of knew our relation and were cool with it. Once we were kissing each other on his couch and his mom entered the room. It had been so embarrassing for me to face her ever since then slowly everyone forgot the incident except me.

So after school got over, I wanted to do majors in business law and I got accepted in G.L.U. and Eddy wanted to do his majors in Economics and he got accepted in R.I.T. So I moved out of Westwoods to our colleges. Westwoods was were we both were born and brought up and our colleges were 4 hour away from our home, so we could come back whenever we wanted. Living without each other was very tough for us and so it was a very tough decision but for the sake of our future we decided to move away from each other. But the good thing was that our colleges were only 2 hours drive away and we could meet each other every weekend. Mostly he would come and we would spend the whole weekend together. He had an extra key of my apartment and came in whenever he wanted, sometimes even without telling me. Even I had a key to his apartment but as I never went to his apartment, I never really used it. I didn’t like to drive much so it was mostly he who came.

But yesterday as I got free early on Thursday and didn’t have any classes on Friday and I was missing him so much so I decided to go and give him a surprise visit. I reached his college and saw something unexpected, saw him doing something which I never expected. He was doing something he never did for me. He was proposing a girl in front of the whole college and his words " the moment I was you in this university campus, I knew you were the one for me, and the day you agreed to be my girlfriend was the happiest day of my life and today on this day please make this day an even happier day and do me the honours and agree to marry me in future. So Nichole Elizabeth Anderson will you please marry me?" And she said yes and then they kissed. Their lips moved in sync and they kissed each other for what felt like hours though they just kissed for a minute or two. My heart broke into pieces and I ran away. I didn’t meet him or any of my friends at the university. I just ran to my car and drove back to my apartment. I didn’t go up to him and confront him. 

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