Part 1 - Introduction and Acknowledgements

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Read this book, read that book. Follow this guideline. Listen to the midwife, the pediatrician, the child health nurse. Other mums do this, your parents did this, your friends think you should do this.

In a time when you're lost and struggling to find your way, how is it even possible to listen to all this advice and know who is right and who is wrong? Maybe you had clear ideas when you were pregnant, but now that your little bundle of screaming horror has arrived, everything you thought you knew suddenly seems completely and totally off track.

I'm here to help. And so are others. SOOOO many others. Strangers will jump at the opportunity to have their piece of advice heard. Don't ever expect to go through a shopping centre unnoticed ever again, not while towing a cute (or crying) baby around with you. But you did start reading this for a reason, so I'm hoping you're open to my advice (or at the very least stuck at home with a sleeping baby on your lap or attached to your boob and there's nothing else to do but one-handedly scroll through my words).

You're not alone. You're rarely going to be alone ever again. But that doesn't mean the company is always going to be that great. In fact they'll usually be smelling of either vomit or poo, or maybe just baby sweat and grotty fingers. But I'm going to try my best to compose a bunch of things that can't really be categorized or written down. I've learnt some things, and hopefully I can share them with you so you might learn them as well.

Us parents have to stick together, after all. Someday way to soon these kids will have taken over the world. It's inevitable. It's called aging. So read on to hear my tales of explosive nappies and breastfeeding babies that BITE! Learn my tips and tricks, and share in my grief over mistakes none of us can help. And if you're expecting, or not yet a parent yourself, hopefully I'll shed some light on the absolutely amazing yet terrifying experience that parenting really is.

Acknowledgements go firstly to my son, for being the reason I'm able to sit here writing this book, and to my fiance, for being the reason my son has a full set of chromosomes (also because he supports me in everything I choose to bore him with, b...

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Acknowledgements go firstly to my son, for being the reason I'm able to sit here writing this book, and to my fiance, for being the reason my son has a full set of chromosomes (also because he supports me in everything I choose to bore him with, but mostly for the first thing).

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