Judging Criteria

260 10 0

When you send in the review for each book, please make sure the format follows this criteria, and not your own. This is to make sure each judge scores exactly the same and is not more lenient than another. The criteria is explained very specifically.

10- Can't find any faults at all!
8- Only occasionally do they make mistakes
5- Mistakes in almost every paragraph
3- I can't barely find a sentence that has correct grammar.
0- Do they know that there are rules to the English language?

Character opinions: Does it make you form strong opinions about the characters?
10- I know much about each of the characters, enough to feel a certain way about them!
8- I know a lot about a few characters but not all.
5- I only know about the main character and have no idea how to feel about the others.
0- Aren't characters supposed to have feelings?

Planned out:
10- I always felt like the author knew where they were going with the story. I couldn't find any plot holes!
8- There was a solid plot but I don't think the author knew what was going to happen. There were occasional times that the ends of chapters weren't tied up in the next one.
5- There was a plot but the author left many loose ends and plot holes.
0- I'm not sure there was a plot at all.

(If you are judging a story of one shots, judge by if the scene itself feels like it has a direction and purpose. Not just characters talking about things that don't make sense or connect to each other)

Writing style:

10- Wow! The author's writing immediately consumed me into the story. Every word written drew me in more and more. The structure of each sentence and paragraph flowed so well!

8- It's definitely something! I definitely enjoyed reading, however some sentences didn't quite make sense.

5- It was hard to read this book. It all seemed very choppy. It worked enough for me to understand the story, but I didn't like it.

0- There is no structure to this writing at all. It's as if a five year old wrote this.

Book fits title, cover and description:

5- I could definitely see why they made the cover they did that perfectly illustrates the title, and the book went perfectly with all of it
4- The cover and title were amazing and went well with the description! Got a little lost how the description went with the story.
2- The story, title and description just barely makes sense together. Have no idea what's going on with the cover.
0- There wasn't a good title, cover, or an understandable description. Please tell me if this is in English!

5- Follows the Headmistress, and the awards account!
2- Only follows the Headmistress
1- Only follows the awards account
0- Doesn't follow any of them. (I mean come on guys. This is an easy 5 points to get)

And that's it! I believe it comes in with a smashing total of 50! Good luck everyone!

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