CHAPTER 6: I hate cliches

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M-21 and M-24 both looked behind only to see Jake,Marie and the mutant they have created looking at them.Shock quickly covered their faces as they gape at the three.


M-21 yelled startled at their appearance, whilst Jake face formed into a smirk  at them. 

"We'll take care of them nice and quick."


Surprise by the sudden proclamation M-21 couldn't help but to be shock, but before he could ask any further Marie continued.

"Any risk to the Organization must be eliminated. that's a priority." Whilst looking at both M-21 and M-24  "Those kids are the witnesses, right?"

Jake said looking behind the two, in which they also turned to look and see, the said kids were no other than Ikhan, Shinwu and Yuna. All three were laughing unaware of the upcoming danger.

Also quickly noticing that the other kid have already parthed ways from them, in which he didn't know whether it was a good thing or not.

As M-21 was about to speak again another figure approached the kids, it was no other than the girl who also witnessed what happened, but unlike what he thought with the others, she was fully aware on what was about to come next.


'Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my...' I keep repeating at my head as I smile and converse with the others, 'If my memory serves me right they should've been at the PC cafe or something.'

I also tried to slowly think on how I should convince them to atleast go to Frankenstein's house, as I quickly realize earlier that I have already missed Rai.

And as I was just about to say something Shinwu cutted me off, "Hey Izumi, did you know Rai sucks at PC games? You should've been there hahaha."

He asked laughing while looking at me "Oh,  come on,  It was his first time." Ikhan said in Rai's defense as they both the turn on a corner, 'Wait do I even know where I am right now? Something bad is gonna happen think Izu!'

giggling softly at myself for being a dumbass as I try remeber this chapters content I look beside me and see Yuna with a worried expression. Also seemingly noticing the atmosphere Ikhan also looked back and asked.

"Hm..? What's the matter, Yuna?"

His bag still lazily tossed in his shoulder while Ikhan also turned and look at us. Yuna slowly lift her head and stared at us before saying.

"Sorry. Can we go that way today?"

She pointed ahead with unreadable expression, oh who am I kidding I'm bad at reading expressions. I stepped closer to her and said.

"I mean, I'm not really familiar with this place yet so I'll just follow you guys."  Looking at them before shifting my gaze back at Shinwu.

"Shinwu.. It'd take much longer, but why not?" Ikhan said seemingly agreeing with Yuna,  "Also, are you sure It's okay for you to follow us Izumi?  I mean not to sound suspicious but you know.."

He continued but unsure on what to say next as I simply nodded, "I mean.. You guys also helped me last night, right? So just count this as me doing a favor."

I said smiling at them in which Yuna smiled a bit, as Shinwu also looked at us and agreed 'Atleast you guys aren't stupid like in some random cliche story.'

"Well yeah. Better be safe than sorry." He murmured and fixed his eyes on me "And plus it's no problem anyways, since we also still don't know where the next problem is yet."

He added and there was no need to add anything now,  and as just we were about to walk again a voice stopped us on our tracks.

"Good call, kids."

And just around the corner Jake came out a cigarette in his hand, as he set his gaze on us four. Shinwu quickly step back covering Yuna and me he asked in a surprise tone.

"Wha..? What do you want!?" His eyes fixed on Jake that was still looking at us, meanwhile I quietly cursed myself for being slow and forgetting that this scene was also in the chapter as the PC one.

And just as I was about to shout for Ikhan, the world suddenly tilted and my vission blackened as I feel something knock me out.

'Damn... I really hate cliches,'  I thought but then caught the end of a coat in my dimming sight. 'Well atleast it's by M-21'  and with that final thought in my mind the world turned dark once more.



Jake looks at the sight before him, and then at M-21 with a displeased expression.  "What was all that about?"

He asked approaching M-21 that was lifting two girls in each arm, as he looks at him and replied with.

"We're missing one witness. We need to get him first." While both M-24 and Marie came behind him and the mutant at Jake's left.

Before shifting both his arms throwing a hard look, Jake looks at him before smirking.

"A piece of junk, but you always manage to talk your way out of it."

Throwing his burnt out cigar at him, and in which he caught with his bare hands but also causing Izumi to drop on the ground while Yuna is secured on the other. "I'll go along with it..."

While turning around and walking away Jake continued " There is no next time!"


In a living room two males can be seen drinking tea,  the other with blonde hair and the other with black,  both are dashingly handsome though.

Sipping his tea Raizel said to Frankenstein.

"I experienced death today."
The sound of a tea cup breaking can be heard.

~To be continued~


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