"You think I fucking wanted this!? Do you think I'm not in pain either, everyone has lied and betrayed me! I'm completely alone now in this world, and I'm fine with that because I thought that maybe I would still have you by my side. But you chose my brother in the end, even after you were willing to give up your life with me. You still chose to live, so you could be with him. Do you have any idea how much I wish to loath you, to kill you, to fucking hate you!"

He growled in anger as his hands suddenly wrapped around my neck! The rattling of my chains echoed through the room as Elijah pulled me closer to his face. Our lips were so close together that I almost didn't realize he was beginning to choke me. His words stabbed my heart like a sharp knife, we both have done such horrible things to each other. Unable to breathe, I raised both my hands and placed them against his cheeks in despair as his eyes began to water in rage. However, the tears that he was shedding, were just as lonely and painful as mine...

"I'm sorry, Eli. I'm sorry I hurt you, but I won't apologize for loving Felix. And I won't let you kill me or this Kingdom. If you want to hate me, then let all of your anger out, and I will do the same..."

I cried out in sadness as I slowly began to move my chained-up hands around Elijah's neck as well.

"I don't want your apologies, they no longer mean anything to me. And if you think you'll stop me from destroying this Kingdom, then you are mistaken. I will burn everything to the ground and then I will kill you..."

He said in a threatening tone as I felt his claws beginning to pierce my skin!

"I'll like to see you try, so go on, try and kill me if you can," I responded in a painful grunt as my sharp claws began to pierce through his flesh as well.

"Let's see if that confidence of yours will last when I break you."

He said in a demonic rage as he slammed his lips onto mine! His forceful grip around my throat was almost burning that I didn't even notice Elijah pushing his tongue into my mouth! So is this how he wishes to break me, to use my body in hatred. If so, then I'll accept it. I'll take this as my punishment for hurting you, Eli. Do whatever you want with me because I will do the same. Even with these chains keeping me limited, I won't hold back in expressing my feelings of anger and sorrow towards you...

Our kiss grew deeper as the lack of air was cutting thin within me, his hot tongue kept devouring mine. The feeling of his warm blood could be felt dripping down my hands with how strong I was holding his neck. My strength was finally beginning to come back as Elijah released his hold on me. A loud gasp of air could be felt leaving my voice as I still kept my hands locked around his neck. However, Eli pulled one of my hands away from his neck with such ease and he saw the amount of his blood that stained my fingers. His lips curled into a twisted smile as his eyes went back to look at mine.

"I'll show you what happens to those who defy me."

He said as I watched in shock as he licked away some of his blood away from my hand! He then quickly pressed his tongue back into my mouth, but only this time I was able to taste his blood again! Why is he doing this!? I can no longer die if he gives me his blood- Suddenly! Out of nowhere, I felt a strong rush of heat coming through my body! What's happening to me!? Why am I beginning to tremble so much?! My entire skin felt like it was melting, it was too hot! I need to take my clothes off! Everything felt so suffocating, I feel like I'm burning!

"There's a reason why my blood is so poisonous to humans. It's because they can't handle the power of what a true King possesses. But when a demon tastes my blood, they feel like their entire body is burning, and that's because it is. Observe..."

And right as he said that he released his touch on me and pulled himself away. That was when I truly felt like I was being set on fire!


His Demonic Aggression: Demonic Series (Book 3)✓Where stories live. Discover now