01: Secret Room

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I was forced to open my eyes and wake up when my alarm clock suddenly made a noise that literally knocked me into consciousness

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I was forced to open my eyes and wake up when my alarm clock suddenly made a noise that literally knocked me into consciousness. I reached the alarm clock over the table beside my bed, didn't even bother to look at it, and just let my hand instinctively seek for it till I unconsciously smacked it hard, punishing it for waking me up so early.

College. That was the first thing that came into my mind when I woke up 4 o'clock in the morning, with nothing else in mind but my first day in college. What could have possibly happen if I become a freshman? Does being a college student means walking into a turning point of my life or a horrific journey that could leave me all weeping at night? Those were the thoughts that had been running inside my mind since last night.

Because, as I previously stated, I am now a college student, I am also living alone. I just moved into my new apartment last week, and I'm hoping it's a lot nicer than my old room while I was still living with my parents. However, it does not appear to be in the manner in which I had anticipated. Why? Because this apartment, and specifically this room, is becoming increasingly strange.

There's always this noise coming from my cabinet, knocking twice or thrice every 12 at midnight. I knew there was something going on, but there's no way in hell I'm going to check out what that noise is and just suddenly opening my cabinet in the middle of the night. I just had to ignore it, because I'll be moving to a new apartment next week since I can no longer handle that strange noise every 12 midnight.

I was startled when an alarm clock suddenly rings, when I looked up to my alarm clock, I found out that it wasn't my alarm clock at all since it isn't really vibrating nor making any noise. And based from what I'm hearing, the alarm clock is coming from my strange cabinet.

"What kind of sh*t is it again?" I asked myself, pretending and sounding to be brave but deep inside me I have no courage to stand up on my feet and go near that cabinet I was hearing the alarm clock ringing from.

I put my hands over my ears, seeking to drown out the alarm clock's blaring. But the harder I tried to pretend it was nothing, the more real and loud it became. My body moved on its own, and now I'm slowly creeping towards the cabinet where the noise came from, and even though I've told myself several times that I'm not going to open that cabinet, something seems to be dragging me closer to it, as if I have no control over my own movement.

When I finally got to the cabinet, I opened it swiftly and abruptly, even fearlessly swiping away all my clothes to hunt for that mysterious alarm clock. But, despite the fact that the alarm clock is still wailing, I never saw any.

"Where is it?" Am I just being paranoid? Is the sound I'm hearing are all just a part of my hallucination or dream? I could never be mistaken, I heard the alarm clock this way!

When I couldn't find the alarm clock inside my cabinet, I threw all of my clothes out to seek for it, but it was nowhere to be found. Until I decided to transfer my cabinet to the left side, carrying it with all my power. And then a suspiciously small door bursted upon me. It's a smaller door with a classic design. Inside my room, there's a small room!? That was the first thought that sprang to mind, amusing and shocking me at the same time.

I was afraid that whatever was behind that door, whatever was within that small compartment, would be something I would come to regret once I opened it. That was undeniable. But this filthy hand moved on its own, and I found myself twisting the doorknob, which opened into a narrow dark passage. I sat down, attempting to find a comfortable position in front of the small door. I took one step forward out of curiosity, only to find myself taking another step till I reached the end of the dimly lit corridor. When I got to the end, my jaw dropped in awe as I realized what kind of unexpected sight waiting for me.

It was a bigger place, a much more bigger place compare to my small room apartment outside this door. I'm amazed on how this place have so many appliances and furnitures more than my whole house itself. "Am I dreaming?" I asked myself, as I couldn't take my eyes off of the large room.

And then, I just realized, the alarm clock stopped ringing which brought me back to reality.

"Did we woke you up?" I almost jolted up in shock as I found my heart beating so much faster once I heard boy's voice coming from behind me. When I turned my back to face him, there I saw a handsome young man, wearing his pajamas as his hand is holding an alarm clock.

"N-no" I stuttered to answer. I examined him first, looking at him from head to toe. He has this white as crystals skin, sharp pointed nose, and an overall handsome face, I must say. He doesn't look like a normal human, to be honest he looks like a doll.

"Have you eaten something yet?" this guy in front of me asked, and even walked towards me that made took a step backward and even stumbled on my feet, I lost my balance and was ready to feel that stinging pain I would get once my butt landed on the concrete floor, yet, someone saved me. "Careful"

Another handsome young guy said, he wasn't wearing his pajamas, but instead he was wearing this old school uniform that I am not familiar if what school he could be studying at. But yeah, as I said, he's just as handsome as the guy with pajamas. But taller and skinnier, I guess? And just like the other, he also looks like a doll.

They both have this strange line on their neck, looking like they were knitted or something. "Jay and Jake cooked for you, we were waiting for you to come here since last week" the guy with the pajamas said as he smiled at me.

Last week? Didn't I first moved here last week? What are they talking about that they are waiting for me since last week!?

"Don't worry, we're not bad guys, we just wanted you to play with us, even just for a while" the student looking guy said as he smiled at me sincerely.

Am I hallucinating things? Or did he just smiled at me creepily?


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