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Before I give you MC:SM meme number 420, I would like to say a big thank you to all those (or at least, what's left of you) who put up with 419 cringe-inducing picture edits which I lazily but rather lovingly created. This decade has been pretty shitty, but it's also had its good times, like introducing me to this game, for the first time I felt like I belonged in a community.

That community was this fandom and you guys who gave my stuff a chance and continued to check it out despite the current state of the fandom (until perhaps the revived Telltale announces a Season 3) and how cringy my works can be. In fact, looking back at my very first fanfiction (the romantic anthology book I wrote which is still published on my profile), I was astounded at how easy it was for me, and how odd I used to sound as well. But over time, I developed my skills and I am what I am now today, still a bad writer.

I want to continue creating content for you guys even if the fandom is pretty barren, which is why I need your honest answer:

Do you want a third meme book or not?

Please be honest, I'm more than happy to continue pumping out these silly pictures for you to hopefully laugh at, but if you don't want one, I won't make one. And if you do, I will.

With all that stuff aside, I wish you all a Happy New Year, a Happy New Decade, and here is meme number 420!

With all that stuff aside, I wish you all a Happy New Year, a Happy New Decade, and here is meme number 420!

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MCSM Memes: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now