Chapter Three.

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Later that day.

Styles01 is available.

Styles01 is typing... Sorry about earlier Louis. I'm just...I guess you can say uncomfortable with telling people my sexuality:// 13:30

TheTommo_24 is typing... I don't mean offend you mate but are you gay? If you're uncomfortable with your sexuality that is... 13:34

Styles01 is typing... Uh yes I'm gay. 13:35

Styles01 is typing... But I'm not gay 13:35

Styles01 is typing... I like girls too! Its just uhh. I'm more attracted to I'm bi? 10:36

TheTommo_24 is typing... Harry, it doesn't bother me that you're gay or bisexual! I'm gay so it doesn't matter. I'm not one to judge (((: 13:37

Styles01 is typing... Thanks I guess? Its weird because I haven't told any of my real friends about it. I've been talking to you two days and you know. Lou, can I ask you something? 13:40

TheTommo_24 is typing... We may of only been speaking two days harriet but like I said I'm not one to judge ((: and sure go ahead !((((: 13:42

Styles01 is typing... Can I urm..see a picture of you? Because im pretty sure that you aren't a goldfish with a sword... you don't have to if im being weird:/// 13:43

TheTommo_24 is typing... image pic; click to download.

TheTommo_24 is offline.

Styles01 is typing... wow. 13:45

@Styles01- "Sorry, do I know you?" ~ LarryStylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now