7♡ Found you

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"Whats this?" Zack reached by my head and pulled out the hidden photo. I thought he wouldn't notice it but I guess I was wrong. "Where did you get this..?" He asked. "I found it in a case thingy in my bag.." I answered leaning on my hand still gazing through the window.

Zack grew silent for a moment so I looked at him instead. His eyes were glued to the photos and I saw thoughts compare into the two. "Rachel.." I looked at him with hurt eyes as he whispered her name but he didn't notice. He looked up an smiled at me. "Mind if I keep these?" He gave a weak look when he seen my face. "Sure, I don't care.." I lied giving a fake smile. He nodded at me. He hated liars.. He loved Rachel..

"Who gave these to you?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea, all I know is that I got this note.." I spoke softly and low handing him the note from Rachel's file case. He couldn't read over it,  so he sat his arm over his knee looking over the adress. "I know that's your name.. they know you..?" I took the note back reading over it again myself.

"I don't know Zack. Everyone seems to know both of us.." I sighed tossing it on the bed.

"Yea trust me I know.." He ran his hand through his hair again and leaned back onto the bed. "It had an andress on it, we should fallow it." Of course I called it he would be the first to suggest that. "Well we would be barging into danger Zack. You wanna take that risk?" I stood up stretching. "With the two of us. Hell yea." He answered, a smile aroused from ear to ear. "Let's go kick some ass huh?" He flipped out of the bed and hugged me from behind. A chill ran up my body as I shoved him away.

"H- hey! Give me space man!" He looked at me in a startled motion then growled. "Yea well, your the one always on me.. if I didn't know better I'd think you had a crush on me." He crossed his arms while I blushed. "THAT IS S-STUPID!" I excused knowing I did but maybe it was best if he didn't directly know right now.. Granit all the accidental hints I gave him might as well shouted 'Zack I love you and wanna murder people with you forever'.

" I- I just..Well you concern me sometimes.." He turned to the door. "I'm gonna go fight your animal for my hoodie.." He stuck his hands in his pockets and growled once more going to the exit. I assume we were fixing to find the truth behind these odd reaccurances.

I shut the door after he walked out fiaxiated on getting his signiture look back. I assume the pup wanted it more than he did. Things were so tight because of the different things going on. I was constantly caught in my little romance with zack and all the fuckity stuff happening I didn't think to name the wolf or anything much for that matter. I have spent way too much time alone at home ironic sense we just got here.

"You coming?" Zack knocked on the door letting me know he was ready. "Yea let me gear up."

I pulled up over my waist a pair of skinny blue jeans over them I adjusted a set of black and red linning boots. I threw on a long sleeved shirt that way if it did get cold I wouldn't be chilly. I placed two 357s in between my back and pants. My perfectly made katana was signed in it's usual spot. I also snagged a couple things including the map from the wall.

I opened the door throwing my hair into a quick bun. "Let's go.." I trotted downstairs Zack fallowing down behind me.

The puppy of mine yelped so I picked him up snuggling him. "What are we going to do with this little guy? We can't just leave him here. He isn't house trained and we'll be gone for a while.." I looked at Zack for an answer. "Leave him outside." He shrugged his shoulders. "Isaac, no we can't leave him outside. If it gets cold-."

Zack walked in the house and used Epsy's old bed to make a newly improved one for the pup to sleep until we got home. He also gave him some food an water. It wasn't fully thought out but I didn't want to argue anymore I still had a headache. "There, now let's scram.." Zack began to walk.

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