18.Friend or Enemy?

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Sarah's POV

"When did you come, Leah?" I started.

I know Leah is my best buddy and all, but she always reminds me of Noah. And whenever I think about Noah, I feel butterflies in my stomach, my heart starts to beat fast and I feel all sorts of new things, which I absolutely hate.

"Oh just a few minutes back. So, who was the boy back there huh?"

"I just came back from a date."

"A date. Wow. So, tell your BFF everything about it?" she said taking my hands and almost jumping with excitement.

Her hands were icy and gave such an odd feeling that I cringed at her touch, but I decided to act normal cause I didn't want to offend her when she was so good to me and always had.

"Why not? Take a seat and I am telling you everything," I said, smiling back to her.

Leah's POV

Sarah said to me everything about the date and was I happy for her?

No No. Not all all. Not even a tinny binny per cent.

When I saw her getting down from a car and hugging a boy, anger shot all over my body. I did so much to not let Noah and her get into a relationship and here she is going on blind dates with boys.

"What was the name of the guy you said?"

"Umm, Carter."


A wave of confusion and shock went through my body. 'Was she talking about him?' No not a chance. He will not even look at her. Nobody deserves him, except me. He must be some other random guy. Like, there are millions of guys out there with the name Carter.

I let the thought out and normally started to talk to her.

I really acted the part of a good best friend very well.

"I should probably become an actress. Yasss. I will no doubt win an Oscar. And I am so beautiful that I will surely get the chance in the industry," I internally thought and self-pated myself.

"Hey, Leah, all ok?" Sarah asked clapping her hands in front of me.

Bitch. I was having such good thoughts about my future but no, she has to come in between from somewhere every time.

"Oh, I was thinking about Noah," I said with a smirk. I knew she would get all uncomfortable and jealous but why not, let's enjoy the show.

"Oh," she replied and looked away instantly.

Good, she is unhappy now. I am successful in ruining her so-called perfect day. Good job Leah.

"Oh, Sarah I totally forgot. I have this date with Noah at 8. Mind if I borrow a dress?"

"Absolutely Leah. Do you even need permission? You are my best friend. What is even wrong with you?" she said giving me a pat on my back.

"O, thank you, Sarah. You are the best. I love you so much," I said hugging her.

Love you my foot. It's called using sweetheart and it will not be long before I crush that little heart of yours into pieces that it will just be uncountable.

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