"Well I'm honoured, Miss Johnson.." he lean down to kiss her gently. "Means we get to Christen the bed" she giggles and I nod, holding her face as I kiss her once more. "It's a deal baby" I smirk as we pull away, hearing Dulcie running upstairs.

"Daddy, we're going to play in the snow are you coming?!" She runs through to us and I laugh. "yeah baby, let me just help Dakota with the cases" I say and she pouts. "No you go ahead.. I've got this" she smiles sweetly at me and I kiss her. "Sure?" I ask and she nods, kissing me once more before taking Dulcie's hand and heading downstairs.

We put her big fluffy coat on with her hat, scarf and gloves and she runs off outside to join Grace and Stella and Stella's boyfriend. Mel catches me in the hall and smiles. "Did you want to take this one out with you?" She nods to Charlotte who's resting on her hip.

"Yeah.. Dakota said she would sort the cases" I take Charlotte from Mel and she squeals, clutching my top. "I know baby it's so exciting" I rub her back as Mel helps me put Charlotte in her hat and onesie coat with mittens.

"She's gotten so big, and she's the spit of Dulcie.." Mel grins, stroking Charlotte's cheek. "She's the spit of her mommy.. absolutely beautiful" I kiss Mel's cheek, causing her to blush. I hear Dulcie calling my name so I decide to head out to them.

Her cheeks are rosy and soon enough mine and Charlotte's are too. She's playing snow ball fight with Grace and Stella. Charlotte begins to whine in my arms so I decide to walk around the garden with her to calm her. She babbles little bits in between and I try my best to talk back to her.

Arms wrap around me from behind and I gasps a bit, turning to see Dakota smiling up at me. "There's my baby" she strokes Charlotte's cheek as she coos softly, her eyes light and her nose and cheeks rosy.

"You okay?" I ask her and she nods, kissing me as she smiles. "I unpacked. My mom got everyone matching pyjamas for later on tonight, I hope you don't mind" she wrinkles her nose and giggles cutely. "Of course not."

I kiss her again and again before watching as Charlotte lifts her arms for Dakota. We both gasp a bit and Dakota grins widely. "You want your mommy baby?! Oh that's so good, you're such a clever girl" she takes her, lifting her into the air before bringing her back down, repeating it once more before resting her on her hip as she giggles cutely.

I kiss charlotte's head and then Dakota's, wrapping my arm around her. "Daddy come play with us!!" Dulcie shouts and I grin joining in with them as Dakota watches us with a smile on her face, she walks around a little bit with Charlotte, showing her the snow and letting her touch it. I watch as Charlotte gets excited and Dakota giggles at her.


We've just finished a lovely Christmas feast that Tippi had cooked for us all. We're all changed into our matching pyjamas. The ladies and children are wearing the blue Christmas light ones and the lads are wearing checkered merry Christmas ones. I'm sat in the lounge with Dakota's brothers and her father, we're chatting soccer and basketball.

Dakota's with her sisters, mom, Kelley and Tippi in the other part of the lounge by the kitchen. Charlotte is sat on Dakota's knee facing her family and Dulcie is sat on the rug by them listening and drawing in her activity book.

They laugh every so often and I hear Charlotte coo. Once our talk has finished about soccer then begin to discuss movies. I join in, I can't help but keep looking over to Dakota. Making sure they're okay. I finish my beer I have and as Don goes to get us more Dulcie wanders over to me, sitting on my lap.

"Okay baby?" I stroke her back as she yawns. "Daddy will you sing?" She smiles sweetly and I blush. "Oh no baby, not now" I chuckle a bit as I hear Dakota giggle from where she's sat with the girls. "Please daddy!" She pouts, giving me her best puppy dog eyes that I always struggle to say no to.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now