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I remember when we would play Minecraft together. We played in Minecraft Mondays and joked around. We would do those stupid late-night streams. Making all those memes that will taunt me for the rest of my life. Making videos with you and Vincent. I had a lot of fun and I wish it could've lasted longer.

I wish... you knew how much you mean to me. It's stupid I'm still hung up on it... it's been years. 

It's time to let it go now...

I looked up at the headstone and smiled weakly. "Goodbye, Zak," I mumbled before turning to walk down the path. The world seemed so grey without him. He brought life to my world.

-??? pov-

I watched as Darryl turned away from my headstone. "I miss you too Darryl." I smile weakly before sitting next to by grave. "I wish we could've made more memories."




Sorry this is short ;-;

I've been dealing with some personal stuff aNd my laptop broke sO

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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