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This is a scrap I have that I probably won't finish. 




Darryl clenched onto the wooden rose, a few drips of fresh blood rolling down his arm. "Darryl please let the rose go. You're bleeding." He stayed silent slowly looking up at Zak.

 "He.. gave it to me.. he-" He let out quiet sobs as he huddled further in the corner. "He didn't deserve this.. no one deserves this.." Darryl placed his head on his knees pulling the rose closer to him.

"Darryl you're hurting yourself." Zak placed his hand on his friends back. "Let it go"

Darryl hesitantly let go of the rose. He pulled it out of his skin as the almost white wound slowly filled with red. 

Zak held a cloth to his hand. "He's in a better place Darryl.." 

Darryl leaned onto Zak as he softly spoke. "I could have done something." 

"There's nothing you could've done."

"You're wrong."


Darryl walked beside Clay. "I promise you're gonna love it here!" 

Clay chuckled as he followed his friend. "Where are we going?"

Darryl turned and looked at Clay. "It's a secret!"


That's basically where it ends ;-; 

Maybe I'll finish it later but the basic idea was there was going to be this really nice spot in the woods where Darryl was taking Clay 

One event led to another and Clay dies -_-

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