Prologue Part 4: Tempest

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Tempest watched Twilight spread her wings and fly away from the mountain. Tempest almost went after her, but then thought better of it, as she stopped and hovered in midair. She fired her magic and drew a line in the ground as she shouted, "Enough!"
"Because of you, I almost lost my way! But every creature here has reminded me of the true power of friendship." She glanced back at the ponies and leaders of the other creatures. She and Tempest made eye contact, for a second, and she turned back and faced the three villains.
"There will always be darkness in the world, but there will also be those who find the light."
Tempest watched in awe as Twilight started glowing purple, and she was just floating, without flapping her wings.
"The pillars knew this; that's why they created the elements of harmony." At this, she watched the legendary pillars, princesses Celestia and Luna, Twilight's pupil Starlight, and Discord fade out of nowhere and stand with the others gathered. She realized the princesses' mane and tails weren't flowing as they usually do. She also watched the pillars be levitated by a white aura beside Twilight, and the little stallion, whose name escaped her, gained his magic and became visibly strong again.
"The elements showed me and my friends how strong our friendship could be. Together we work to bring harmony to Equestria, but there will always be more to do." Tempest watched as Twilight's friends were also levitated into the air by a white aura.
"Which is why we teach others about the magic of friendship; others who will continue our mission after we are gone." At that, the students that told Twilight about their influence on the fight were levitated up into the air by the same white aura.
"Now I truly understand the elements were just symbols; the real magic had always been right here. And the more we understand how powerful friendship is, the stronger we'll be..."
Tempest glanced at Chancellor Neighsay, who glanced back at her.
"Together!" Twilight raises her front legs, and rainbows cane from each group, feeding their magic of friendship and love to Twilight, who blasted it up into the clouds, where the windagoes were eliminated and the magic looped back around and shot the Legion of Doom to the ground, draining the magic gained from the bell, and disabling the bell.
Tempest stepped forward to look over the hill as the three groups, including Twilight, trotted over to the weakened villains, along with Celestia and Luna.
The ponies gathered around to watch as the three villains were turned to stone by Celestia, Luna, and Discord.
"That's it then," Tempest whispered, "that's the end for them."

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