Prologue Part 2: Tempest

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Tempest gazed in shock as she peeked over the hill, looking down on the six ponies facing the three villains, one of them whose aura is on Twilight's sidekick dragon, pulling on his wings.
"We have to do something!" Tempest turned towards Chancellor Neighsay and the other creatures beside her.
"We can do anything yet." Neighsay tried to comfort Tempest but she refused it.
"They're about to pull the dragon's wings off?!" She yelled, but she was silenced by a pony in Twilight's likeness, but in different colors, and wearing a gray ragged sweater and glasses.
"Neighsay is right, Tempest. There's nothing we can do now."
Tempest opened her mouth to speak, but Queen Novo flew up to her and nodded. "Remember the plan."
Tempest turned away and peeked over. She gasped as she saw the seven creatures bound together as the so called "Legion of Doom" powered up their magic. She caught Tirek say something, but couldn't make out what it was.
Chancellor Neighsay lay next to Tempest and furrowed his eyebrows. She shouted, "Unicorns, stations!" All the unicorns on the hill, including Tempest, powered up their horns, readying their shield spell.
"On three!" Tempest gazed down at the villains. If anything happens to Twilight and her friends, you're going to be the first to pay.
"One!" The villains started combining their magic.
"Two!" They reeled their heads back, supporting the weight of so much magic.
Hurry!! Tempest started panicking.
The villains threw the energy ball of magic!
Tempest closed her eyes and powered her horn as much as she could. After a second she opened her eyes, stopped using her magic, and whispered a "yes!"
The shield the unicorns produced protected Twilight from the spell! Tempest has to stifle a leap of joy and relief as Chancellor Neighsay led the creatures forward.
Tempest powered her horn and stepped forward with them with a smirk on her face.
Take that, Legion of Doom!
Twilight was looking around in confusion inside the shield produced by the other unicorns. She looked up at the hill and met Tempest's eyes. Tempest nodded at her, a smile growing on her face. She smiled back.
Chancellor Neighsay gave the signal, and the plan was officially underway.

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