Stiff Bodies and Drinks

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               Roger didn't have to unlock his door. Olivia was still inside when he got there. As the building receptionist and one of his closest friends, he had long ago programmed her face into his door lock. She followed him as he ran from room to room checking that his things were all still there.

"Roger, what's going on?" Olivia asked from two paces behind him. He was sifting through the tub of clothes under his bed. "I folded them all, just the way you like, if that's what you're worried about."

"No. They're fine. It's something else, someone broke in here. My second portal, the new one, it's gone." Roger said. He sat beside his bed with his knees up and put his hands over his temples.

"Someone stole your new portal? The fancy one?"

"Yep." Roger stayed on the ground staring off into the distance, the Portal Authority was going tobe upset. Olivia slid down beside him.

"You want me to call the police?" Roger thought back on his morning, dealing with the police was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

"Maybe later." He started to stand up with a sigh and offered a hand to Olivia. "Wanna get a drink?" Her eyebrows shot up.


"Sure, I owe you credits anyway. We can go to Trix's on eighth, she has food there too," he said while helping her up. Olivia looked down, she had changed out of her skirt and heels to clean his apartment. The messy jeans and old t-shirt were hardly clothes for a morning out.

"Can we meet there? I need to change." She started excitedly towards the door, almost bumping into one of his plants.

"You look fine, let's go. There's a tram in seven minutes if we hurry," he tapped the side of his e-glasses and selected seats on the express for the second time that day.

Roger paid careful attention to his door lock. He waited to hear the unmistakable click of it as he before he turned with Olivia to leave. They walked down the thin hall together, Olivia glancing up at him out of the corner of her bright eyes every few steps. He had never invited her anywhere before, much to her disappointment.

When they got down to the street, Roger lowered his glasses to block out the bright reddish light. Olivia didn't need any filter, she was from Safeira, a planet in the same solar system that was closer to the red giant Ky Cygni that they orbited and able to handle the harmful rays.

Sounds were everywhere, a mix of street noises combined in their ears to create a dull roar. Dutorik was a hub for the Andromeda galaxy, people from all planets came here to work in one of the many government buildings, or to face disciplinary hearings, or receive approval for marriage licenses, registration or DNA compatibility testing for cohabitation. Some, like Olivia, were stuck here. Her father had worked in the Shuttles, Ships, and Space Vehicles department after leaving their home planet and she'd never left.

Roger grabbed her arm. "Dartariots," he mumbled, pulling her to the other side of the street. Ten-foot tall, bald angry looking men were bunched together on the sidewalk. Each joint on their body had an extra rounded bone sticking out, making them look like they wore strange spiked armor. Olivia crossed the street without protesting, but knew he was overreacting. They reached the tram stop. Every few seconds another tram shot off at hundreds of miles an hour in a silent electric blast.

They stepped between a group of Kitarrian's, small furry blue creatures with giant eyes, to reach their platform. The Kitarrians didn't like to be crowded, but barely came up to Roger's knees. They were chattering in their language angrily as Roger stepped in front of them to reach the proper platform. He nodded as one shook their fist at him. They were always throwing a fit over something. Overhead the automated voice called out, "1010 to 8th Street, 3 credits." A square plastic robot hovered in front of them with the same information displayed on the screen. Olivia reached up to tap her e-glasses to pay, but Roger stopped her hand and tapped his own twice. The robot made the sound of cash register and said, "Have a great day!" In seven different languages, including one that was mostly grunts and clicks, then flew off to the next person.

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